Monday, October 25, 2004

Security guards, the call of slackers

I have a very strong hatred towards security guards. Those people that wear a sky blue coloured shirt and simply, zhuo bo (do nothing). Usual list of things they do:

  1. walk around
  2. stand around
  3. sit at the door like a men shen (door god)
  4. find fault to catch any folkways that you did
  5. stop people unnecessary for no particular reason
  6. persistent behaviour

I just can't stand their discrimatory behaviour. Letting the Caucasian do what ever they want and not us, locals. Are you trying to promote hospitality? Well, you are far from it. Here's an incident I want to emphasize on security guard stupidity.

This happened a few months back when I was working for this "John Little Warehouse Sale" at the expo. It was the last sales day, my friend and I were almost late. I suggested going through the front entrance to the staff area. We were running in the mist of the crowd and a chief security guard stopped us. With that unshaved beard and niao ka peng character, i knew the this guy isn't worth arguing. His face was flooded with white brown hair, eyes gluing straight at you. This ass tugged my friend's bag.

"Are you working here?" His voice was firm and angered. It seem that he needed something to find fault with or he would feel really bored standing at the gate like a statue.

"Ah-huh.." My friend replied. Eveready to run to the staff area. I was at the moment starring at the beard creature.

"Please go to the back and use the staff entrance." He pointed his back. The words " go to the back" made us run away from this nothing-better-to-do asshole. We went separate ways to distort this old man. Unfortunately, he tugged my friend's blue bugis-bought bag. It was so precious to her. As a good friend i walked towards that man who was still tugging my friend's precious.

He started, " Why were you running?" This time his voice was fiercer.

At this moment i thought that raising that voice of his doesn't worth to be heard by me. I splat, " we are late, so issit wrong to run?"

This despicable man was so persistent that my friend scolded "Chou chee bye" loudly at his stinking hairy face. So we walked out and came in from the cashier checkout area which was only a few meters away from the entrance.

I better he was only trying to do something fun and scolding us would make him feel like a superior to all of the staff working at the expo.

I shall end here. See me 2 weeks later (exams are here)

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