Sunday, October 10, 2004

Arghh... Not 1200 words yet.

I am crying my ass out just for this essay. I rewrite my essay on communication on paper twice and another time on MSword here are a list of things that kept hesitating me to write more.

  1. The use of narrative phrases. I am so used to using all the narrative sacarstic phases to add colour to my essay but what am I trying to fool? This is a argumentative essay. narrative phases are out of the question.
  2. Thinking of the question which is so narrow makes me narrow my use of ideas. like "how can communication help create a strong relationship?" this type of questions are so narrow that you are left with only afew words to write. I think the person that wrote that question is a narrow-minded person.
  3. Thinking about the narrow-minded lecturer that is so petty! This cannot, that cannot. You can write nothing but crap in your essay. To think she was the one who failed my practical test.
  4. Books had nothing to write about my topic.
  5. call me dumb but i can write better if referencing wasn't included in the essay requirement
  6. I love being different and following rule on the format of writing is so difficult for me. It's against my free will
  7. What's more? 6 reasons is enough to piss you off!

You can't believe how i manage to write until 1100 words. It was pure sweat and blood. Ok i agree, i am abit whiny today but you can't blame me as i am having a hard day. My pain, my anguish, my fustration and my disappointment on this puke-worthy essay.

First of all, ah-hem... My earhole on the left ear that was pireced last 4 week was gone to waste!! It heal back only a few hours of studless life. the stud came off in the night and that was like a few hours. Guess what i did? I used my pirecing stud to poke the skin so that i could get my hole back(ouch) . *sigh* Another 4 weeks to suffer.

That pain wasn't as painful as a skeletal muscle pain. I don't mean one spot but various spots including my backside, my detoid muscle, my tigh and so on... All i did today was to act like a restricted toy robot. Squating was a great challange to me. Talking about this pain it was all because i kept playing badminton from 10.30am to 2pm. and that's not all! from 7.30to 9.00 that's like how many hours? 5 hours of badminton.

My type of badminton issit just a "statue" game but running back and forth. And there's this idiot that tortured me. He shot a V-shape trick and made me ran from point A to B. And what's worse, he even made me run back and forth. imagine!!!My legs were like beancurd! Ok, me the useless idiot. I just knew that i could not smack! I am too good of a person, i DUN KNOW HOW TO DO A SMACK! So i practiced with my cousins in the evening the ways of smacking a shuttlecock.

So problem 2 is activity intolerance. third is Diarrhoea! Mom gave me eat a few Seedless and skinless grapes and i had stomach aches. Imagine muscle ache adding to stomach ache. That's like "ouch" to you but to me is "Wah piang! Jin Tia ah!" Hard day isn't it?

Here some pics to share to all of ya.

Ignore the date. Let me introduce, This is my hamster bui bui. ain't he cute? It took me various effort to get him to sit still like this.

OR Else....

He would be stuggling like this. It really made me mad. But How can i show my anger to such an adorable thing, that won't bite and lets you touch him for the sake of his fur.

Try touching this animal below!

This is boss kuala from melbourne, australia. doesn't he look like someone that is about to fire anyone that crosses his line. So, don't irritate this guy!

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