Monday, October 18, 2004

huh, a sky so blue? Argh.. I am late!

Damn, i woke up suddenly to find out that I was so late! 4 mins after the start of the lesson which was at 8.00am. The only time i woke up was at 6.00 am just to off my alarm clock and i went back to bed. Once i got into another phase of non-rapid eye movement(NREM), I think i shall never wake up again in 2 hours time. I rarely get this type of phase during mornings and this morning was exceptional. My mom could not wake me at all.

You would be wondering why.

here is your answer. I got the best dream since years. I dream that my essay got an A and whoa! My lecturer even put a good remark on it which i forgot what it was. The best thing was that i was the only one that had an A. So outstanding. Haha... I love fantasy in my dreams. I saw many failed essays. To add, my lecturer praised me like i was the top student. Gees.. Dreams are always there to movtivate you to excel.

Hey wait, I think i keep getting dreams related to that essay. The person i used in my essay was my most hated teacher in my life. She was the one that tortured me during my elementary school days: primary 6. She instill all the fear and hatred in me which made me have a hostile approach to all teachers.

Back to my dream, this teacher was measuring height and weight for the whole class. I can't believe in my dream she still bullying me. I feel so angry! how can she still do that to me? Never mind. I bet she will get a retribution soon.

Talking about dreams, i have reoccurance of my dad who passed away just last year. It never show any sad images of him. Moreover, happy moments together that we shared joy and laughter. The numerous LAN games we played together including TFC (Team fortress Classic), Counter strike.

I am so glad my unconciousness remembers everything happy and nothing sad. *sob*

Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix Spoiler

Enough of this. My friend brought up my favourite book: Harry Potter to me recently. The fifth book i thought was the fastest book i ever read in my life. It was so interesting and i could like stop all my physiological needs (emptying my bladder, water, etc.) just to finish this book. I couldn't believe Rowling had to kill a character i like the most in that book.I could not take this blow in the first few weeks after i read the book.

Sirius Black portray a more handsome person than the one showed in the movie. Imagine Harry's only kin that he talks to the most honestly, is gone. Many people in the Forum had expressed their sorrow towards our ever loving character. one said that this death is a big climax of Rowling's story.

Well i bet it have to be. It had such a big impact on me. Recently, I read an article that Rowling is going to kill another character in book six: Harry Potter and the Half-blooded Prince. I hope it ain't someone i will grow interest in.

Alright i shall end here. Back to my studies.

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