Saturday, October 02, 2004

Common Loophole Words Said By People

As mentioned before in the last post, not everything people say is totally agreeable. We must be sceptical! Such as "Money is not always everything". This, of course is explain in the last entry.
Phrases like "life is short, so why not enjoy first", I will only apply to unhealthy food, gambling and all the stuff that can have negative effects in life. Let me explain why this is a total crap using the unhealthy food example. Nothing is unhealthy until you lose you control on. A buffet offer of $4 per person. Anyone would be tempted to eat it almost every meal. Someone at the side would be saying, "Hey, why hesitate? life is short, so why not enjoy first." So you will regret in the end because you are sure to suffer than live a quality life, always geting insulin jabs or if you get renal failure, erm.. It's better die than live as you are always stuck to a dialysis machine or the stupid plain type of diet. AND I REALLY MEAN TASTELESS FOOD. I am bound to cry my ass out! you can't even eat something as simple as rice. The keyword here is "suffering", a word worse than "Death".

Hooray! My 2nd brother bought me The Sims 2 original as my late birthday present, what a nice brother I have. He's always willing to do such priceless sacrfices to his sister. Awww... I am so touched. No words can describe a unique person like him. Gotta try my new game now! tata! Jealous?

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