Thursday, October 07, 2004

My name? more than just equality.

My father named me as my first name. means been graceful and means to even up. I find that my name is very meaningful. It is so typical for parents to give their daughter's name that means either intelligence and beauty. I feel so unique in the sense that my name doesn't under any of these catergory. The word has a direct translation being even. But i find that what my father wants me to be is to be less one-sided and quick to judge. On the other hand, my life is not too bad nor too good.

I found out my usual test results would point the B grade. And i had an A for my bio pract and a B for my bio theory. I am such a B product. Although I felt regretful but still the other side of me was saying that B is enough. Because if the next time i take another of these tests and if (touchwood!) i get a D my heart would be devastated. Having high standands isn't good in my opinon, it adds another stress factor to you. No one wants to have such unnecessary stress during their study period.

Therefore my name is so meaningful, even effects of good and bad of life.

Some cool photos to show all of ya!

Cute cousin hehe... Giving us a kissing look. I ask him to wear a skirt just for show and he did it! haha!!!

Learning to dance like a girl. haha. Needs practice though. Hey, dun say i bully him ok! He's doing it at his free will.

Stunning evening skies! the colour of my favourite blue, though it wasn't taken very well.

PS: I need help, do any of you know where is the best place to store pictures and have unlimited bandwidth so that i can directly link it!

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