Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Some reflections on what my Lecturer.

today, I realised that I am a critic. i am sceptical and my agreeable level is below average. When someone gives a point i usually think over them before allowing my ears to continue to absorb the information. My clinical lecturer made me so pissed because all the things she said were making me feel angry.

"All of you must know that the course you have taken is different from other courses. Take for example, engineering. The robot broke down will you be sued by court? In nursing, if you give the wrong medicine and the patient die, will you get sued?"She lectured. I mean like what about our nicoll highway engineer? engineering isn't just about robots! She isn't judging things fairly. That engineer is in great trouble is also because of neglience. My god! Who says designing is save from any court case? What if he draws a picture that others percieved as racism, an insult? I mean this also implies to country-relations.

What else? Ah something said about drawing a garfield in to a smurf will create laughter but what about big fans of garfield (like me!) and smurfs? This is where the conflict theory of sociology come in. *sigh* Yes i agree with her that nursing is a very delicate job as what she had said, 1 silly mistake can cost a life. No mistake allowance at all! What can i do, i have the passion for seeing people recover, haha. When people recover their face brightens up and gives you the only smile in his face after his discharge.

Here are a few things i found in the net that look cool!

Shocked? These things are supposed to be motivating you but alas... I totally agree with this. haha. Only if you are the ones that dream and make no effort to do something about it.

This one is so true, procastination refers to me. I will never be movtivated to study only if the exams are 3 days away.Sad but true, i've always wanted to be someone who don't procastinate. But nevertheless, me is me, this is my unique personality. I even wanted to write a book for procastinators haha since there are so many books on study guidiance which practically don't work on people like me.

Cool stuff! these things are called demovtivators. Well i've finished my essay, but my friend jane says my language doesn't have the flow. My god! I became flabbergasted, i mean like i know my use of language isn't good but this statement sure motivated me to read more books in the holidays to come. *sob*. I feel that I have been lagging behind these days on my language. Whats more i only excel in science and maths during my secondary school days so dun bully me on literary stuff. I won't be able to get what you mean most of the time.

Language is so useful nowadays and the worse of all i sucked at it. Don't let me get started on my second language. Nature has showed me a path of excellence in a career of science orientated. Textbooks quoted "Nursing is a form of science" but i still feel that nursing is so language orientated as for communication and the appropriate use of words is equally important.

As all of you have noticed, i have very shallow interest. Now that i have an interest in another type of music. Top 40 pop songs: Maroon 5, Avril lavigne... I do know this interest will last less than 3 months. But the advantage for such a personality is I can change my interest according to yours if i see the need. The disadvantage is that i get influence easily! That sucks!

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