Tuesday, October 19, 2004

What the.. The sound dun work?

I am desperately crying for music. The computers in my school really need AVA backup! ok, you may be thinking, "Why don't you use the computers at home?"


My home computers is so overly used and I keep getting distracted by my family members who talk to me. Secondly, I use music to study but I have such a wide variety of interest. Simply buying albums from the store and playing it on my disc man doesn't work, I get bored easily. Thirdly doing this is such a waste of my time


Hey, why not play radio from your disc man?


Are you joking? Singaporean radio are full of chatting and lame techno music which i dun like. Nobody ever thought of having a radio station solely on top music. Our radio is so limited too!


Have you tried replacing the headphones?


The headphones dun work and my school computer kept emitting sound. Once i had it with exchanging the plugs, I go nuts. And i give up. Wait a sec, why am i asking these silly questions? I need time, man! Time to wake up and get on my feet to start studying. Got ta go.

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