Friday, October 15, 2004

I am so tempted.

I used to search around Singapore for a pair of colourful converse shoes. The bad things is that, I dun have the heart to spend my money on such things. Now i have a different view, once i have got some money from a holiday job, i shall buy expensive stuff. Just have to wait. All i can do is to pia OT. haaha.

Just have a look at these shoes!

This one can melt any person's heart that is a fan of converse. those red beans so cool and matching hehe. Once you see the next one, i think you would think i am crazy about shoes.

It's got my favourite colour: pink. This shoe is so unique from others. Just take a look at this one

This is not only pink, IT'S MY FAVOURITE PINK: MILKY PINK. It's so classy looking. If only i've got the money. Grrr...

My class started at a dreaded hour of the morning, 8.00am. It so early and my mind wasn't awake at that time. And as you know the train is always packed with people. When i saw on the plasma screen it wrote: 3mins and my mind automatically say," damn it"

As i went inside, I have to be sandwiched (as usual!) in between people. My mind was in a preconcious state. As I looked at the side of me there was this huge and muscular arm staring at me. I even thought, " wow, who's that." I looked up. wah! The best part was that his side view was of Bae Yong Jun's(korean actor) Face. Cool!

Imagine brad pit's arms and bae yong jun's face. So idealistic, a true perfect person outwardly. If i get to see his full face then i would know if my predictions were right. Damn.

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