Thursday, October 14, 2004

New layout! Plain and easy to read.

Just looking around blogspot, the skins they use all come in common.
  1. words too small
  2. everything is squeezing here and there
  3. Complicated
  4. messy
  5. words are too packed
  6. layout takes years to load
Yup. These factors makes a lousy blog. Having these factors creates a word in a blogder's head, "BORING!" within 5 seconds the blogder gets bored. So wad makes a good blog? in my opinon.
  1. Many pictures: pictures catch reader's attention
  2. many paragraphs: Easy to read
  3. a decrease usage of "...": these things bores people
  4. Simple layout: help the reader find content faster
Can anyone comment on my blog's layout and content?

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