Thursday, September 30, 2004

Make me wait? No, I'll buy convenience

Just hate it when I am forced to wait. From young, i have swear that i won't waste unnecessary time on queueing up for food, cheap things and all that type of stuff. It ain't worth it because these things make u lose out in the end. Take for example the Hello kitty Craze, everyone queues up for it just for those wedding kitties. I bet Mcdonalds would had earn millions as One person on average pay $5++ for an extra value meal. Those who had queue up and got their kitties, where do you think the kitties are now? In the deep depths of the storeroom, of course! Totally surrounded by piles and piles of unwanted (potential throw-aways). What a waste of time for queueing. Why not learn from my best friend? Buy the kitties from somebody else and at the same time treasure it as a good memory not a reflection of waiting and waiting.

I went to the polyclinic to jab hepatitis B. Unfortunately many were like me, aiming for the cheapest source of everything. But cheap things aren't fast and you have to wait years for things to come to you. So i use my patience to wait. i started my pre-registration at 10.30am. Only 10.58, i was posted to a waiting place to see a doctor. Imagine the time i took to even get to a place waiting for a doctor is like 28mins wow!(My number was 2385 and the current number is 2340!) At this point of time, i sixth sense was saying " you won't be able to get the jab today. Reason: either the nurse or the doctor would screw this up" My heart was reasoning too. It pointed to the nurse for the source of disappointment as I had a trauma of a nurse rejecting me to get a jab. So i waited 2 hours. 2380 came and i thought a path of light had showed me the way. A heart-broken and at a near-crying feeling came when the number fell back to 2290! I could like collapsed to the floor. That became my last straw!

I prefer my private doctor who is fast and excluding crap like going from this room to that room. Although it's expensive but i dun waste my precious time waiting for a f***ing doctor to dial your number. I choose to buy convenience for now! Everything done at one shot. Don't you think cheap things aren't always good?

Come to think of it money makes the world go round! It's everything. People who talk about health and social life being more important than money, not to disappoint you but YOU'RE WRONG! Without money, would you dare approach a friend to hang out? Would you be staying heathy if you're bankrupt and not knowing when you'll be eating your next meal? All these crappy WORDS OF WISDOM by people. To sum it up, Money is evil.

I agree we can't buy love and respect. How would anyone love you if you are wearing tattered clothes? i am sure the parents of the opposite party won't agree to carry out this relationship. IMAGE! your image is so important to everyone. No one will love or respect anyone with cheap image. That explains why sliming centers, heath supplements come about. So, are you feeling challenged to prove me wrong? Do try!

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