Monday, September 27, 2004

everything is Over!

All my burden(at the moment) are gone. i can sit and relax myself till the semestral exam. Just had my biological test. The only part i wasn't sure was all the muscles. i had already started partying only in my dreams (haha... Just went for a nap) well i m gona cheer for my friend tomorrow for her clinical practical exam like what she did today. Always at my back supporting me, or I will collapse. She even waited for me till I finish my retest how nice of her... I am so touched. I am unable accept such care from people because i had never been treated this way.

I had guessed my bio test to be a C to B quality. Nothing fantastic about that as i am always geting all the average grades for my exams. In tertiary level, aiming for an A for exam doesn't give you much motivation to do it. Only those who has achievement motivated can score well. For me, 2 words to describe: a "Hack care" nature. My mom calls me lazy and does things with no quality. In another words, do things for the sake of doing it. No one can change me... It's my PERSONALITY.
Although i had tried to be neat, all was in vain. I am still puting self before everything.

Can't wait to try theSims2!

Cool!! I hope my bro is interested. hehe...

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