Saturday, September 18, 2004

A great Disappointment!!

Try as i might, my goal is within the hopeless range. Just wanted to load a piece of musical work by an RPGame, " Breath of fire IV" but it was in vain... I will always relate this to my
Add-maths questions:
"Even though you have found your mistake to part of your steps, the final answer still doesn't tally. This shall go on for mins and mins. till, the whole entire
answer is fully checked thorough."
Um, that only applies to people who dun practise much, haha. this was how i felt when i had my first homework. The music that i wanted to load is artistic in a sense that it has a very symbolic meaning attached to it. Can be very complex i should say but... Those who played the game can actually extract various meanings from it. By the name of the song a layman can even find something to ponder about:

"Truth and Dreams"

I feel that life isn't worth living if you do not have company. All of us need someone to share their experiences, their dislikes, hatred, love, etc. The main thing is all of us need a sense of belonging and having being cared for.
To think i used to be lonely and neglected in a world of shadows where people just pass by you not even looking for a second at your face. Everyday was like "mechanical". there's only you and your boring self to drag on. Luckily, I had my family to hold me back to pieces or else my life would be diffused in shadows never to come back to conciousness.
Now that i know i've shallow interest, what ever i like is like so short term. Thats why i usually stop to ask what are the things i like to do. It's just too difficult for me to write down an interest page in seconds.

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