Thursday, September 16, 2004

Part of my Wishes was fulfilled

I had my birthday last month, 21/8. i didn't know my wishes were all very accurate! This maybe fate or distiny but for the past 4 years i had my wishes come true. It's too coincedental to be just luck. Going for my next round of sponsorship where i was rejected twice. i've gotta put this chorus everytime in my mind
"first you dun suceed, then you've got to try again, try again"
to think that answering this question would be such a dilemma "have you ever been interview by NHG ?" two outcomes which are both dead ends
  1. yes. Outcome: interview before, dun bother. Positive fact: been honest will get the interviewers considering
  2. No. Outcome: My previous records would be found and they might think i m a liar. Positive fact: i wanted to act blur, but i think ....
See! Back to square one. This things can go beating round and round the bush. i can't understand why must i ponder about such a small question.

I love behavioural science! It's way too cool!! Studying about people's actions and the social context. I used to think this choice of course was a regret but... i was definately wrong! I enjoy my course of study. I've come up with this tested theory:
What you have chosen at first, you will never regret it! theory only applies to me. HAHA!! come to think of it, yup this theory is true. i even have backup evidence if you want.

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