Monday, September 20, 2004

My cute cousin showed me something....

There he is... Aww...

"buy this model now! Great for the lower income group"
Ain't he cute? He can be a Nokia 2100 model. born to be an advertiser

Nah.. actually he was only giving back my handphone.
Now he's showing off his mom's phone

Ok this has got nothing to do with the above pictures

  • something non-materialistic
  • something meaningful
  • he's only 2 years old
He had showed me some of the meanings of life! (you probably would be saying "chey*") When you see him grow from an infant to a tot. You will understand why we live in this world. The curiosity and the perseverance to learn what holds behind the viel. An ongoing effort to achieve independence. All of us want to achieve whatever our minds wants us to do. like geting rich, having a good family, etc. likewise a tot wants to achieve independence and satisfy his curiosity. To sum up, let my cousin be a role model to all of us:
Strive for whatever you want and don't give up. Never let fate guide you, but instead you guide your own fate.
I can never get my mind settled for studying. Everytime i open the book, a wave of fatigue would sweep right up my nose and the next word i would be saying "Sian`..." It sounds as if i just got some magical curse cast on my books. If this carry on everytime i open the book then i shall start this "autumn ritual": storing my emergency midnight oil cans in the store room.

*Chey: singlish for nothing of importance in an ignorant way
`sian: boring

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