Sunday, September 26, 2004

Unable to stop this memory mosquito

I had doubt my ability to manage stress and failure. I thought I was able to take everything easily and carry on with life. As time pass, the tension increases and I am now having isomia(sleepless night). I kept thinking about the practical test and the upcoming biological science test. I name this type of things " memory mosquito". They kept buzzing here and there non stop. You can do nothing to stop them.Now is already 2.12am and i am still wide awake.
There are still many hidden medical condition i have and nobody can believe how i live life with all these restrictions. You may think ah... Just allergies and Eczema that's all. Allergies are not only prawn and other seafood but peanuts, walnuts, etc. I think some allergens may be caused by some particles in the air. I have this mental problem too.. But i lead life normally. I hope you dun start jumping to conclusion. diagnosis: trichotillomania. On friday, i heard my tutorial groupmate who has a relative who has the same problem and she called her a mad person. And i felt really hurtful and angry. How could she call her that? That person couldn't help it. Many of my stress can't be relieved because of this. GTG sleep. damn Bio....

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