Wednesday, September 15, 2004

EveryThing is in your MIND

I've always wanted time to stop where it is and dun let it move on as i am happy where i am .. i don't want ppl telling me what's gonna happen tomorrow or what had occured yesterday. As the saying goes
"when you are troubled and worried, you leave it to god ...."
that phrase seem so evil. It simply teaches ppl to push the blame but on the other hand, i think that this phase is psychologically helpful as in to make you feel less burdened and let you be able to continue with your ADLs. What I mean is that when we are troubled, we tend to be depress or feel like commiting sucide. At this point of time, i feel that leaving every thing to god is a good way to relief all the mental stress acting on you.

Talking about what our minds can do to us, i had my ear pierced for the first time last thursday. To think my friends used to tell me abt how horrible the pain was and the after math of the pierce would do to me. Definately, anybody would be petrified upon hearing all this. What made me do it was the painless on written on the ear piercing advertisement. In fact, i heard from my friend, jane was that there's no such thing as "painless". To me, it only felt irritating. In a nutshell, the amount of pain is alter by you mental prepareness.

what issit like to be a person that can love and hate at the same time?

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