Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Unconciousness, my life?

Today i am feeling really moody, i am now sumiting my body to my unconciousness and let it do what ever it wants. I have no power towards it, whatever the wind blows, my body shall move along with the wind direction. Does it sound evil to you? Erm.. To tell you the truth, i trust my unconciousness better than my waken self. The waken self is so consciencious and conservative. I hate my personality: Kia see and soft-spoken. I can't interact well with secondary group of ppl in my waken self. Secondary group as in strangers that i m suppose to interact with for example, lecturers, my grandparents(i do treat them as strangers)..
My unconcious mind cuts off all the soft-spoken personality and carries on to be a person that doesn't care about the future and self image. Like the time i spoke to a guy in a way i knew him for years. It astonished me the time i reflect back that day i was so flabbergasted , " how can i say that to a person i don't even know at all?" From that day onwards, I view my unconcious self as a gift not a treat...

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