Monday, September 20, 2004

Courage? Mine of a lion's heart

Once in a while, I would recall all my crushes I had during secondary school. These questions usually float through my mind:

  • What really made me think he is suitable to fall under my list of crushes?
  • Why do I get so worked up over people with bf?

Well it's still a hidden mystery. I would prefer it to be a mystery because i dun wanna spend time this whole loads of crap...

I am having many mental blocks these days could be due to stress I am facing now. There was once i was so stress that i even forgot to bring the most basic thing to school: my pencil case. Boo hoo... I had to really pluck up my courage to ask ppl for stationery. It felt embarrassing to explain why.

Talking about plucking up courage, i faced my worst fears. Just last week, my face had became volcano land and it was crying for help at the moment. Nobody would believe what caused it. I went to indulge myself on a bowl of prawn noodles. Although I knew I was allergic to prawns but I was eager to experience the taste of prawn noodles. And so whatever you do has consequences, you should know what I mean now. I had to face the public, a face that is of a zombie that just found herself alive after death. It's that serious. Fortunately my doctor got me well in about 5days and I am definitely satisfied with the results which was

  • faster than world's best facial mask
  • faster than world's best facial centre
  • faster than what your granny think is good for you

Of course I would catergorise this as a miracle equivalent to striking 4D and a matching bone marrow. For this I shall thank god for this.

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