Saturday, September 18, 2004

My god! I've the Final answer.

finally got the final answer to this a-math question-- my desired music is up! i am so estatic. It spent me hours to get this up. i hope people don't take my source and copy every thing. That would be so malicious. As i had put in so much hard work on it and even sleepless nights. haha... this really do sound like an a-maths question where you have got the ans, everybody wants to copy it. I must really thank my loyal 2nd elder brother who helped me along this process of difficult. Way to go bro!!! He is always so helpful although he seem to be reluctant to do anything for me...

Damn.. happy hour is over and i've to prepare for my Biological science pract test the monday after next week. And the worst part is that i haven't even started a chapter. What should i do? i always suffer from stress every time i consider the chapters i need to study.

Anyway, just set up my tag board and ready to recieve messages. please do not abuse it as your source of stress relief by posting vulgar language and stupid comments that insults me. i know i dun have much enermies but still there is some form of immatured people around surfing the net. Thanks alot!!!

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