Tuesday, September 14, 2004

for crying out loud!

thank you for visiting my blog. i did this isn't because of following trend but testing what is like to have a web journal. first post! what should i write? basically my life is filled with trills and painful experiences. I am ever search for the meaning of life and why do we live in this world. spritually, i think it's because god is putting us in an experimental test of how we live mortality and solve all our ever going problems. whether we take the easy way out or the long and rewarding route. i believe that ppl who commit suicide are true failures in life as you choose to discontinue your life an let god clean up your mess after you. in a nutshell, you are totally selfish to let your love ones worry because of you without a reason to. i find that no matter what, every one must face the music and conquer our fears, let fate guilde you.

To end off, i shall create chrissy quotes
"Whatever you do has consequences, whether good or bad, think before you act!"

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