Thursday, September 23, 2004

Practical test = Stress management test

I found out that my blog spot has so much of errors... Why?? I hate it man! i just hate it, this whole thing is making me crazy!!! >:O Gotta control my anger, or else i would be grabbing anyone to slap at!! Is there anyway i could find out where all these errors come from? grrr...

Just had my clinical theory test 3 hours ago and i feel that if won't for my friends i wouldn't be so calm. i would be crying my ass out. Got no mood to continue anymore.. Tomorrow is my clinical practical test on my nasogastric tube feeding. I hope those mannequins dun purposely give me a faulty stomach or else i would be dead. Although i always make fun of them, i dun deserve to be punished by a dummy. They do look funny with their pupils being dug out by someone and hands being amputated a cruel person. I've got this tutorial groupmate who say this to the one-eye mannequins
"If anything happen to me because of you, i shall dig the other eye out. See.
Someone has already did that!"
What a way to threaten a dummy. I think the mannequin deserve that treat as i had practises betrayed by these stupid dummies.

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