Thursday, March 31, 2005

More complains...

Grrr... It's the last day of school and I am as angry as ever. Someone in my Tutorial group is such an arse licker, jealous and complain king. He keep ranting to our mentor all because he has got this problem; He is jealous about ppl getting good grades and doesn't want to work hard for it.

Bastard ass!!!! The other friend of mine really hated him to the core and i strongly agree with her. I suggested me holding him and she punch him hard in the stomach. Make sure he feel the same kind of pain me and my friend had experienced.

I wonder why the guys in my group stinks. I can't imagine them taking care of our singaporean next time they graduate. Firstly, he boast about being too charismatic with lecturers, patients, sisters and clinical facilators. This reminds me of this guy at motorola 1 year ago. Where all the QA girls were his friends and the line leader even complains about me to him.

I really feel pithed by this type of guys I constantly experienced in my life. This person is so rude to my mentor that he speaks mandarin to her when we all were speaking english. How atrocious is this? Hell to him, i wish he would get out of this course and save our singaporean girls from getting hurt by him.

I wished I could splash hot water on his mouth and make him stop talking for weeks. To hot until his face is unable to change expressions, unable to eat just like the last time I experienced it a couple of months ago.

I don't want to waste my blog space for this type of person. Alright, thing are changing and I am appointed as subgrp leader from today. My best friend is the leader of the class and now we have the authority to change stuff.

I am going to be a subgrp leader, and I want things to change. For the better, less last minute and more hard work from lazy people.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The weather is crazy!!!

The fury of the thunder god. I am slightly afraid of thunders simply because it's loud and scary. And that earth quake 2 days ago, It's coming towards our direction. Parts of singapore felt it.

That lecturer is crazy. She praise more on a person that wasn't very prepared then the people like me. So what if it's summarised in points? The person elaborating doesn't even know exactly what to say. And she says out content is too much for her, if norain can take it why can't she. She is using this lame accuse to flatter them.

I can't see why she can like their presentation when 2 out of 7 members have eye contact and she says it's good. This is getting out of hand. I am retiring from such idiotic lecturers that are so bias about eye contact. 2 of our members are also using eye contact, why didn't she say anything. Voice projection... What can you expect out of our non-native speaker in our group? Jesus!!!

Pure prejudice!!

Monday, March 28, 2005


I am so angry about today until i could have blood coming out from my eyes, ears and mouth. Just wanting to take a rest when some selfish, stingy, self-centred asshole plays his darn guitar at a dreaded time in the night when I am having my beauty sleep!!!! I will tell you who he is. He's my useless brother who plays rhythmless, shallow and noisy "music" (I can't even call it music man!!! It's totally rubbish sound waves trashing my ears).

Today sucked and I want to drain it away with sleep when someone wakes me up to remind me how unlucky I am these few days. How cruel!! Firstly someone from the human resource of TTSH lied to me and my friends, then there's this groupmate that leech upon our grades. Who doesn't want to forget about all these using sleep?

Sorry for being crude but a tired man is an angry man. You must always bare that in mind. Damn him, BHB person. Does all guys have this mindset? Shameless and oblivious to people's feelings? I wonder!

Waking the dead is one thing, but my mom is one damn hypocrite man!!! I can't wake her up and she talks like hawkers when I am sleeping today. Why? She yelled at me for no rthyme and reason just to get the heat off her chest! She uses me and yet never give me any support that I deserved.

Bawls loudly!!! Why my life is so ill-fated? My personal social support is so limited. I have gone through many downs and I am still not getting up. I can't get up to say I have done it, I have finally achieved what I disire without worrying about anything. Still unable to regain my confidence in life. With someone to fall back on, someone you wish he would defend your points when you go home. Someone whom I can cry to and borrow an ear to listen to my sorrows. Someone who can cheer me up. No! that person is gone forever, never to come back and attend to my needs.

That's my dad, the only person in this world that give my solid support until god take him away and leave me in great saddness. He was someone that made home more worthwhile, not a battleground. Everytime I'm with him I feel locked away from reality, that's how I can develop my confidence and self-worth.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Ancestor season is here!!!!

Another round of pollution just to offer my ancestor my respect. I've being doing this ever since was preschooler. Sigh, I get my dose of carbon monoxide very year and it's normal to me. I get myself sick to make the rest of the year a lucky one. Though I do not believe they ever blessed me with luck, no news is good news.

Nothing happens to me and what so ever, i am free from a life of threats. That is of course the luck i have taken for granted over the years I take pains to go to Chua Chu Kang.

I have a christian friend who never practied such stuff as to visit people in their graves. I mean why do you celebrate chinese new year and not this custom? In contrast, I also do a bit of christmas stuff like send cards.

I asked my mom why don't christians in singapore celebrate Qing Ming? She works in a presbyterian home, so she should be very familiar with the religion. She took out a book and told me some phrases from it.

ephesians 6:6-7
Work hard and don't just please you masters when they are watching. As slaves of christ, do the good will of god with all your heart. Work with enthuism, as though you were working for the lord rather than the people.
Work with enthuism at whatever you do, keeping in mind you are serving god not serving the people

Is this sentence true? No comments....

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

You know something...

You know something... I feel like drifting away to wilderness.
Any of you bought a book called, "GirlTalk" by Carol Weston?
I bought that book when I was secondary 2 because I was eavesdropping on my classmates reading abstracts of that book aloud and it sounded very interesting to me. I was very determined to get the book, I search high and low in Kinokunia but it was sold out. I gave up and asked my classmate where it was sold

"Why? You want to know about your crush is it?" She announced to her ruthless group of friends.

It was embarassing!!! I felt a slightly warm on the face and I remained quiet staring at my feet.

"At borders, wheelock place." She enlightened me.

At that time, I didn't know where it was (see how sua ku I am). I did my own research and when down directly to purchase the book. I remembered clearly I skipped many chapters and the only chapter I read was body and love.

This book made me grew up. I understand clearly everything about being an adolecence without risking my dignity asking people.

There was this chapter i read just 2 days ago on grief and loss.
If you can overcome the loss you had, you can overcome almost everything
even when you failed a minor test.

Apparently, I reckon it's false because I can't cope simple stress up till today although the loss of my dad can be emotional disturbing and I had gone through the mouning days. I lost all my courage I had during the dark days, I fear more than I had ever Feared in my life.


Yesterday was disasterous! You know what? A man in his early 40s touched my shoulder accidentally.

This was how it happened:
I was window shopping at northpoint basement 1 when I saw this attractive tote bag that I yearn for a year. Then while i was immersed and dreaming about the bag, I felt weights pressuring my right shoulders.

"I am not in a relationship, I know a few guys only, how can someone touch me on the shoulders like that. I bet it must be from some handsome guy I knew last time, he must be!!!" That was what passed through my mind.

When I turned to the left, the texture of that man's skin burst my bubble immediately. Then he was there giving me a wry smile. I shall let you create your own ending from here.

I bet must be my t-shirt, that hang ten t-shirt i was wearing. Grr... I swear to god i will never buy another hang ten t-shirt again. I know many aunties love hang ten till they go nuts. So i shall not compete with them.

Monday, March 21, 2005


I thought today was worse day of the week but then again GOL showed me there is such a thing as a "twist of fate"... Oh no... 2 twists of fate!I thought it was the most last minute Important presentation I have yet come to know. I had to put 3 person's work into slides or can i say, 1 person could had done that themselve without bothering me.

~2.40pm sunday~

What was worse of all, it was sent to my email just yesterday at 2.30pm in the afternoon. For those who might me be using your fingers to count the number of hours left before the presentation, here's a direct answer to you...

26 hours to the presentation, what luck... Only one malay expression can describe this: Ka lang ka boh. Having said that, I took a deep breath and did everything at one shot. I mean I do deserve to get a ~blank~ (I can't reveal the grade yet to you or it would spoil the fun). At first I wanted to rephase everything, when i took a look at the clock, " 2 hours to dinner" Then I push everything to one side and said, " hack la!! copy and paste!"

Then when I stared at my own slides I growled, " There's no information in the web! Darn!" Then I helped my group members find programs organised by the overseas. And I found this:
Thinking that it would amaze my lecturer. ( Take a look, it's hilarious!) I felt elated when i found something really worthwhile.

~ Next Morning~

I arrived early to school (9am) to meet up with my friend who was even earlier then me (8.30am). Then I wanted to show her this great clip and you know what the hell happened? It clashed, the server was down. I was in uttered silence... I mean this was something that would amuse the class and Dr Thomas. I Faint... I could not believe something like that would obstruct me to obtain a good pass. Sobs... Then to supress the anger I went to my email.

The first word i see was the regret word:

I was so angry that i quickily click on the "close window" button.

When the presentation ended, I watched how people faired in their preesentation. It totally blew me away, :'( I thought I had not enough research and such.. So when it's time for the lecturer to announce our grade, I panic, " please don't tell me the bad news." Then i screamed, B! OMG! a B, Damn it. He was so generous.

When i got home to recheck the email again, GOL was good at this. He didn't want to hurt my feelings and made the email looked better (read carefully):

Thank you for your email.If you are applying for a position with NHC,we
regret to inform you that only shortlisted applicants will be notified. Thank
You. Regards.Human Resource Department,National Heart Centre

Can you believe this?

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Your Total Score is 11(Range 0-27)
Very Severe

Just took a depress test and i obtained a moderate. Haizz. Oh, helped 3 people put in my presentation today.. Grr... so tired.

I feel so depressed!!

No sponsorship, no listening guys and Exams!! GOL, do you wish me unhappiness again? My brother the obsessive one keeps restricting me from using the my dad's room. I really missed my dad. He frequently appear in my dreams.

I really need a listening guy that can replace my dad or else I would be stuck in the memory world. Sighzz. Life is so hard for me. So many worries and my coping method don't work at all.I wish someone would take over my place for just 1 day and i could just forget everything for that 1 whole 24hours.

I know i can do nothing much but what's important is releasing all that burden pressurizing my shoulders. Sad life!! Nothing can be performed well. NGH sponsorship again, I want to hack care them. SPAM them! Heart Center too!!! Trash Them!

That's what happen when I am desperate. DESPERATE! I am so into nursing unlike some other people. Hey, talking about hospitals, I am having the same ward with a slack friend of mine. Do you know what this means? Mingle. He's not that bad though. Socially not academically.

Some personalities I possess is either shaped due to my disease. I am a messy and untidy person because my problem is everywhere on my body, being neat does nothing good. More tonight! I going to spam heart center.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


I can die waiting for the hospitals to reply to me. They truely love to keep me in the dark all this time. I send to 3 hospitals and the output is at ZERO!!! Arghhhh!!! Singapore hospitals have no manners, indicating a no is so difficult. 23cents to sent to my noble address that's all.

Is that so difficult? Leaving people in suspense is not a right thing to do, man!!! Won't you think they are a bit stupid to do this? What if i spam them, maybe they didn't recieve my mail... Ah there is a catch!!!

If only the director of NHG is my dad, then they will know what it's like to be kept in the dark. I will ask my dad to make them be on provation for the entire 3 weeks with no rthyme or reason. If my mom was the director of Singhealth, I am going to make the HR people have a thorough education in choosing students. Especially, when they are too blinded by beauty and eloquence.

Fuck one leh, slackers also they select (moments of utter singlish)... This world is too blind! Then send them application don't want to say yes or no... Fuck them la. I am through with these people who don't put me into consideration. Does it harm to conduct an interview? Or is it hard to send a word "no" to my mail?

*Bawls loudly*, Life stinks painfully. Is my life that difficult? I don't care man!! Spam them! I want them to know keeping people in the dark is not a good thing to do.

My friend really need ME to teach her to overcome a loss. I think her loss can't be compared to mine! Sucide had never pass through my thoughts ever when I had this impact. That's why my friend labelled me as a very strong person.

Experiencing a loss like mine isn't easy to overcome, when someone that is only had that status in your lifetime is really painful. You can have many boyfriends/girlfriends but you can only have one Dad/mom that have the same thing runing in your blood. The status dad/mom can't be changed! But boyfriends/girlfriends are totally exceptional.

Someone who experience a loss of a mutual relationship will be hard at first but it's very easy to overcome unlike statuses that only exist once in your lifetime.

Thinking of the past won't do you much good but even more harm, leave
everything distressing aside and look forward to what's ahead of you.
Achieve all your aspiration and dreams. Everything is possible if you put in
the effort into trying.

That was what I told myself 2 years ago. Crying isn't stopable I know but the person inside must free the distressing emotion. Sad things are everywhere, simply reminders of the past. Just that last week, you did what with so and so are agents of depression.

My friends want to obtain a masters for nursing which I can't stop to say "next time". All I want in life is a stable job and a good husband (isn't that what any girl wants?). I feel that working makes me an adult. Studying is really hard for me when it comes to memorising. Plus the competition in school.

I don't want to compare with others, they can look down on me for all i care for I rule my future and most importantly my happiness. I see a few strands of slivery hair growing out from my head. And that no. will increase even more as the years go by.

I don't know why my friend hate my group mate. I know they are slackers but that doesn't give you the reason to hate them. I used to be aloned and people hate me, that feeling is horrible, terrible and vegetable.

They did nothing to me, so I have no hard feelings.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Grr... Those jerks!

I am actually using this word on my classmates a few years ago. I like my friends in polyl, they give me the identity. Unlike people in my dark days who simply just call me, "gen bi chong" (following bug). Damn that girl, she'll know what's it like to offend a person like me.
GOL grants me the power to make them have a bad ending when they offend me. Ya, many of my offenders got bad outcomes.

Whenever I notice that, I can laugh hysterically. No evil thoughts though. I can cry and laugh without you knowing it. hiak hiak... A still remember a girl who made fun of me all the time, Bah... She didn't even have a good time, serve her right.

No one can compare a support system to mine. Unlike those jerks in sec school, mine is more matured and less being embarrassing. I can never stand beside them in public, they make a hell lot of noise. Immatured freaks, call themselves girls. Failures in the society more like it.

I have many enquries about this guy I liked in sec school, I think he really got into the wrong company. English-speaking person. Hah! My mom always wanted someone who is purely english-speaking. I can grab anyone out of the shelf and be my friend. All I wanna know where in the world is he...

My life in school dreadly sucked, I can't wait to graduate from suck a darken school.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Rules for my laptop!

  • *From now on, Acer Aspire 1691WLMi will never go to any unacceptable sites and get programes that are not very trusted. Anything untrustable shall not be to be installed/ downloaded in it inclusive of pirated ware, shareware and freeware.

  • Alowed games in Acer Aspire 1691 WLMi; full version of warcraft 3, (to be added with serious consideration)

  • Allowed Shareware; none!

  • Allowed freeware; acehtml 5 freeware, spybot search and destroy, hello, msn

  • Allowed XXX ware; windows 2000 office, photoshop CS

  • Anything downloaded externally would only include files from/for friends(very closed ones), family and the school. No relatives.

  • Acer Aspire 1691 WLMi shall have strict rules regarding downloading, which definitely include directX controls.

That help me to get my com out of trouble. My precious shall never be harm by spybots, adware, and pirated ware which has a history of slowing down my precious com!!! Only used pirated ware by other coms is allowed.

Sad thing is my com is a bit screwy however I must prevent anything that screws up my computer.

Today i did something really bad! I scolded someone infront of his face. Oh what the heck? He doesn't even know I cursed him. That old classmate of mine was really shock to hear me scold him, well he doesn't know what a person I am.

I can't stand anyone that hurts my support group. They will have bad endings. Especially my dad, a solid support group of mine I can't lose but GOL has to do this to me anyway. So I curse the surgeon til hell for what he did to my dad, and the collegues, boss of his old company. Curse them for weakening my support system.

Today an old man wants to try and attack my support member. I felt really angry and curse him, "If you don't pass my friend, you shall lose all your hair!" Fortunately, she passed. So He did not lose any hair. I give blessed him with extra bits to cover his baldness.

I really think he hated my personality. Being Crude and heart-breaking. If I knew how to talk, I would be a marketing agent. Earning lots! Gosh! Some people just doesn't see the meaning of life. It's not how to speak but how you have a solid rice bowl for years.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


���瑙�寰����������, 浣����娌¢��棰�.������棰�������绀句��.浠�浠�������璧板ご���璺�, 浼���舵�����浠������垮����d����板�������板����讳汉.���浠ユ�板����诲��寰�寰�stressful( i sucked at chinese). ���浠ユ椿���蹇�蹇�涔�涔�瀵规����ヨ��, ���������骞哥��.

���瑙�寰�浠ヤ�����娈佃�芥��涓���瑰��涓�骞寸骇���瀛����������, 浣����杩�绉�D7���浜哄��浠ユ��瀛�浠ョ��绠�涓����浜�.��充����版��������杩㈣竣璺���版椽���妗�(Ang Mo kio, it's wrong!)��讳拱涓����涔����2004. �����������句互��充俊寰�.


Typing chinese is so tedious. I wished I liked chinese ever since i was born.gosh! I am afraid I might lose my english instead. I have the world's lousiest memory space, can even be fluent in one language. I give up on chinese because I wanted to run away but still it comes back to me.

Chinese always protrays itself liked a chore not a subject. I wish the education system make chinese almost the same par as english.


After browsing the book: Cascading style sheets; the definitive guilde, i roughly know how do CSS work. It's so cool! Web designing used to be my hobby but when work piles up... I simply do not have the time to practice my HTML skills.

I really feel like a geek, man. Cool isn't it? I must give credit to Anime Inn for providing me with the picture or else I can start up with nothing. And of course the person who created the movie, "The Cat Returns". Sheesh, it took me 3 hours to get everything nice and well. May I ask those who are using firefox and netscape whether there is a big problem or not?

I hate recieving errors. I get mad!!! And the... It's ok. This was something to cheer me up. I didn't do very well for yesterday's bio prac, I did silly mistakes. I bet I got an average B. Life stinks, all I get is negative results. Why my friend so tyco?

Luck simply isn't on my side. This layout may seem like a final piece but it isn't. I stopped because i was feeling really tired of codes.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Sigh... No body speak up for me at home

Once again, I feel really miserable with everybody opposing to the things I love to do. Only person at home who stick up to me is my only solid support, dad. My mom gets irritated when I speak to her nowadays, simply because she is menopausing. She complains to be ill-fated, what the wonderfull childhood she had. She is always missing out the finer things in life.

She ignores me and always engage the conversation about herself. Who won't be irritated? Does life work like a ball. She is starting to act like a kid who is totally egocentric. A useless grumbling brother at home, he loves sticking up to my mom, and hates whatever I do. Not encouraging me in anything. *sobs* He laughs at my photoshop art, sad life. An anti-cutiepie.

I feel really disturbed by my dreams that pose a pseudo-relationship, first giving me false hope of that person and a clouded judgement. I want to stop dreaming at night.

My friend wants to join some community service thing. I really don't want them to repeat the same mistake as me. What's so good about cleaning tiolets and washing the dishes? You never get paid doing this. In fact, they are waiting for people to help them do their chores. How pathetic?

Am I an ophan to you? I feel that when people look at me, they see a bullied, firece dog. I came from a background whereby I was bullied many times until i made a stereotype on everybody.

I am now having anger and at the same time pity on a person. I have this strong urge to talk to XX person. I want to talk to someone about my problems, my life. Sadly nobody can compare to my dad.

Still griefing over my dad after 2 years

It going to be almost 2 years and I am moaning over a huge loss. Firstly, nothing is cheering me up, I thought passing my practical test and the A from my presentation was my pride that could last months. But no, this grief is so strong that it needs a 3rd-generation anti-infective.

I wished God of Luck shower more stronger happiness on me. This grief never ends, does my have to be so painful? I struggled so much what do I get? more and more grief. It's that what he plans? A sad and unbalanced life. GOL owes me lots.

Gosh tomorrow would be my bio practical test, i must obtain an A for both practical and theory. I hope it's easy or else i shall kill myself tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Curses Singapore hospitals...

I want to cry, *sobs*. I wish i can tell this to a foreigner who loves his country. Singapore firstly is very small, history is shallow too. Nothing like the 3 classics of china. With weak foundation, my country put others into consideration. This could be good and bad. When you consider too much of other countries, you then to compare. And when our government compares, the mindset of "the grass is always greener at the other side" develops.

Having such a mindset causes people to have low self-esteem. Therefore, outside is good, singaporeans are *fill in the negative adjectives*. So you see, that's why I can't get a simple sponorship from our local hospitals, they think of other countries before the citizens. What is a privilege of being a citizen??

Vote? What for? PAP always wins. there are not really many advantages though. Army sucked too. Being a foreigner is better than being a citizen. CPF? Arhh, I will have to work till i die.

They will never cater for we, citizens. They like to use this stereotype on foreigners; hard-working, service-oriented. It's a fucking stereotype man!!!! Not everyone is like that, and not every singaporean is lazy although we are too comfortable at home. I hate those singaporean classmates of mine who got the sponsorship and is a damn lazy person.

That is worse compare to foreigners. Curse all hospitals in singapore!!!! This give my another reason to hate a country that is corrupted.

Monday, March 07, 2005

CSS, pretty fun i shall say

Just starting to learn something new. I am so influence by my friend who makes good blogs layouts. She's a professional. I really admired people of such nature. If only i had an elder sister, i am sure to follow every part of her footsteps if she was impressive.

Hey, god of luck is with me these few days. I've got A for my drug card!!! Can you believe it? An A for a presentation! It isn't very easy you know. *Kisses GOL*. I forgot to thank him for all the luck he gave me during clinical assessment, *kisses GOL* again. Life's great when he is on my side.

I just need GOL again for my sponorship. He has to help me out, all these years of good deeds never pays. This is the right time he help me out. I've tried almost 3 hospital and i wished he could give me a sprinkle of his luck dust.

Still unable to get my feet down on studying. Shucks. Too much happiness to spare... "A"s and an immediate pass. Which girl won't feel happy?

Saturday, March 05, 2005

How can this be?

GOL is getting mad, he gains too much power to alter all my luck. Now he is trying to act cupid, making me fall in love with someone over and over again. What gives GOL a hard job is the way I hated the guy he targets at so much. I really hated him because he made me terribly jealous the last time, having me feel like a jerk and a dumb ass.

Now GOL tries different means and ways to make me change my mind on him.
  1. He attacks my soft side which is the unconsious side of me. How smart of him to use my dream as a bait to his success
  2. Personally prevent my friend Dee going home with me.

To think this incident was repeated twice in my life whereby I hate this person in the beginning and I get crazy about him the next moment. This is crazy, out of this world.

Would GOL stop this craze? I am getting strong nowadays, never accepting to fates. I let fate accept my decision. Any more tricks?

To add to the domination of my religion; GOL also alters the relationships between people, almost like a cupid. Actually he is also quite a versatile being, 1 or 2 sentences can't decribe his qualities. What matter is he exist in my life?

Lets call my religion: Lukism. All followers are Lukists and they believe in the one and only: God of luck. Cool!!! Lukism, A new generation.

Back to that guy, to think i had high love levels 3 times. But hey, my personal record.Siao! The last record had only one peak but slow release just like enteric-coated meds(KCl). Wow, i am bring up my pharmacos. Gee, my attention span as what my brother say is right! It sucks. Why?why?

Friday, March 04, 2005

Do I really sucked at obtaining money in life?

How come people like my elder brother get money so easily? Is it his luck? According to the god of luck(GOL), it seems that he happens to be striking rich...

Yup, still creating a name for my religion, gosh. Can't think of it yet. I need inspirations INSPIRATIONS. I need an advisor,Oh I forgot... I am the only member, how sad. I must also create the 10 dominations of my XXX religion.

  1. luck never takes place when you don't work hard
  2. only you can make a miracle, GOL just forsees it
  3. GOL alters the levels of luck, but not giving anyone more or less.
  4. Increasing chances increases the levels of luck
  5. Everyone must learn to be aggressive when dealing with opportunities.
  6. Everyone is created by playing a game of luck
  7. Although there can't be any scientific explaination for this but whether good or bad, god of luck will balance you life.

3 more. I can write my own bible already. It can also be call the Book of truth.


What the hack does this GOL do?
To clear up confusions, A god is someone (in our XXXreligion's context) that is powerfull enough to alter you luck levels. A god is someone you can look up to when you are having problems or when you are really happy (estatic to be exact).

What is "luck levels"?
Adapted from taoism's yin and yang theories. Luck levels determine the good and bad luck you are going to have sometimes bad luck goes way down till nobody can recognises and it can even cause death. But luck levels can go up very high too till you can slack at home without doing hard work. There's a rule that says, high luck levels are very temporary and rare. GOL hopes everyone treasures it's golden moments.

If only people believe in the GOL, then i can built a Buff (somekind of a woshipping place), and there the people would explain to GOL why they deserve some good luck.Cool right?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Arggh... Another allergic reaction

My life sucks, I wonder why my friend wants to be me.It's the First time I ever heard anyone say a thing like this to me. Shucks. I can name you over a 100 different disadvantages to be a person like me. I just get a few today because I dun have a mood to do anything.
  1. I have a very bad case of food allergy. Have anyone thought of a life being so restricted to certain food. Solely no shellfish; prawns, crabs, etc. Squids too And some fish too. Think about the time when you were enjoying your chili crab and itchness start to engulf your senses.
  2. Seafood is another thing, what about peanuts, walnuts. I get a hoarse throat and swollen lips for that. I think doubly twice before biting on offered chocolate from my friends.
  3. The weather plays an important part for the integrity of my skin. I get a rash when it's hot and humid.
  4. Dadless, what a life? No fun can be carried out fully without him.
  5. non-charismatic person. Nobody like a person like me. I really feel like Snape from Harry potter.
  6. The only thing that can counter an allergic reaction is to eat anti-histamines. Yah, they work but I feel so weak and pathetic all the time. Sad life.
  7. BGR-virgin. Explains everything
  8. Unapproachable, shy and skeptical person. I know I am really discouraging people to like a person like me.
  9. Follows people.
  10. gullible.

That's enough for you to hate me in a second. Now you know why people hate me so much.

I really wanna get involve in something. I wished someone will enlighten me. I used to be in a group of good people and another time with a group of sarcastic people. If, and I say if I ever get a sponsorship this time (please god of luck...), I will do the following things before I forget:

  1. Get my hair dyed
  2. Join a society (not a secret society of course)
  3. Thinking ar... Get a new friend from the net (optional)
  4. Treat my parent to somewhere fun
  5. A new clarinet (most likely a wooden one)
  6. sign my bro up for guitar courses(he really need someone to teach him properly)
  7. A Cantonese CD-Rom.
  8. Lastly find a guy friend that is not a wimp and an empty vessel.

More to be added next time. Hopefully this would be my movtivation to get through the interviewers impressed.

You must be wondering where the hell the God of luck came from. Oh I made it up.. It's a new religion of mine. Haven't thought of the name for it but you could read my entry about this religion
I went to a Japanese site in search for pictures on Howl's moving castle. To my amazement, the English used was such a horrid. I find difficulty understanding the message the person was putting across. I am glad I am native to the English language or else I wouldn't had passed my 'O' levels.

I truly a very bad person when it comes to languages just take for example my Chinese. It's was what I learned from young and I am totally useless when a person conducts a lesson in mandarin. I can never take a dialect easy, all mixed up and I speak by stuttering.

Can you ever fell in love with a fictional character? Sounds ridiculous but writers with this ability can move on to the next step of having his/her book best selling. Those who have read harry potter books, well I once liked cedric diggory alot. Simply because he is both handsome and composed. Howl in that movie was also one of my favourites.

I stupidly went back to the dreaded school to have look. And do missed the times in the classroom and my great form teacher who got me out of 'O'levels alive. It was really hard on her to have got student that defied her so many times. It even got the principal's attention which made her life damn stressful. I fully understand her plight. Nevertheless, she made herself one of my favourite teachers ever.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Howl's moving castle, 10/10

Yup, no other animation can beat it. Equally romantic and hilarious. Pretty enjoyable and never boring. Impressed me lots. I even showed a friend of mine who is totally skeptical about animations. Never believed animations as a movie but a child's play.

At the beginning of the movie, she sarcastically said, " Oh... I am watching cartoon..."
After that, she was impressed. Cartoons can't make senery real and lively... Oh yes it can, if you had great imaginations.

To think another friend of mine is also anti-jap. No anime, nothing about jap. But still she is unaware the cultures she does are Japanese originated. Sad. Why are people so like anti-animation? anti-Cartoons? Simply because they want to break free from the grudges of their parents. Independency, cartoons are related to childhood. They connect these together, although they are 2 different things.

I have a little child inside me, I argue and throw tantrum. Wants parents to be with me all the time. Hate making decisions. I dun want to lead, but love to follow. Leading outlines many consequences. Following take no responsiblities.

Howl the wizard is sucha handsome lad. Flushed with virginity and innocence. The artists is so good at this. The good thing about animation is that, you no need an audition to find a handsome lad. You just have to create one. Many people can't see it.
Spoiler ends!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Haiz, last night I dream of my dad's last moments. I kissed him on the cheek (just like the movie), and wisphered, " Dad, I love you". Then he was caught up with a RTA which.. wasn't how he died by.

Got to go study.