Sunday, March 20, 2005

I feel so depressed!!

No sponsorship, no listening guys and Exams!! GOL, do you wish me unhappiness again? My brother the obsessive one keeps restricting me from using the my dad's room. I really missed my dad. He frequently appear in my dreams.

I really need a listening guy that can replace my dad or else I would be stuck in the memory world. Sighzz. Life is so hard for me. So many worries and my coping method don't work at all.I wish someone would take over my place for just 1 day and i could just forget everything for that 1 whole 24hours.

I know i can do nothing much but what's important is releasing all that burden pressurizing my shoulders. Sad life!! Nothing can be performed well. NGH sponsorship again, I want to hack care them. SPAM them! Heart Center too!!! Trash Them!

That's what happen when I am desperate. DESPERATE! I am so into nursing unlike some other people. Hey, talking about hospitals, I am having the same ward with a slack friend of mine. Do you know what this means? Mingle. He's not that bad though. Socially not academically.

Some personalities I possess is either shaped due to my disease. I am a messy and untidy person because my problem is everywhere on my body, being neat does nothing good. More tonight! I going to spam heart center.

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