Friday, March 04, 2005

Do I really sucked at obtaining money in life?

How come people like my elder brother get money so easily? Is it his luck? According to the god of luck(GOL), it seems that he happens to be striking rich...

Yup, still creating a name for my religion, gosh. Can't think of it yet. I need inspirations INSPIRATIONS. I need an advisor,Oh I forgot... I am the only member, how sad. I must also create the 10 dominations of my XXX religion.

  1. luck never takes place when you don't work hard
  2. only you can make a miracle, GOL just forsees it
  3. GOL alters the levels of luck, but not giving anyone more or less.
  4. Increasing chances increases the levels of luck
  5. Everyone must learn to be aggressive when dealing with opportunities.
  6. Everyone is created by playing a game of luck
  7. Although there can't be any scientific explaination for this but whether good or bad, god of luck will balance you life.

3 more. I can write my own bible already. It can also be call the Book of truth.


What the hack does this GOL do?
To clear up confusions, A god is someone (in our XXXreligion's context) that is powerfull enough to alter you luck levels. A god is someone you can look up to when you are having problems or when you are really happy (estatic to be exact).

What is "luck levels"?
Adapted from taoism's yin and yang theories. Luck levels determine the good and bad luck you are going to have sometimes bad luck goes way down till nobody can recognises and it can even cause death. But luck levels can go up very high too till you can slack at home without doing hard work. There's a rule that says, high luck levels are very temporary and rare. GOL hopes everyone treasures it's golden moments.

If only people believe in the GOL, then i can built a Buff (somekind of a woshipping place), and there the people would explain to GOL why they deserve some good luck.Cool right?

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