Monday, March 21, 2005


I thought today was worse day of the week but then again GOL showed me there is such a thing as a "twist of fate"... Oh no... 2 twists of fate!I thought it was the most last minute Important presentation I have yet come to know. I had to put 3 person's work into slides or can i say, 1 person could had done that themselve without bothering me.

~2.40pm sunday~

What was worse of all, it was sent to my email just yesterday at 2.30pm in the afternoon. For those who might me be using your fingers to count the number of hours left before the presentation, here's a direct answer to you...

26 hours to the presentation, what luck... Only one malay expression can describe this: Ka lang ka boh. Having said that, I took a deep breath and did everything at one shot. I mean I do deserve to get a ~blank~ (I can't reveal the grade yet to you or it would spoil the fun). At first I wanted to rephase everything, when i took a look at the clock, " 2 hours to dinner" Then I push everything to one side and said, " hack la!! copy and paste!"

Then when I stared at my own slides I growled, " There's no information in the web! Darn!" Then I helped my group members find programs organised by the overseas. And I found this:
Thinking that it would amaze my lecturer. ( Take a look, it's hilarious!) I felt elated when i found something really worthwhile.

~ Next Morning~

I arrived early to school (9am) to meet up with my friend who was even earlier then me (8.30am). Then I wanted to show her this great clip and you know what the hell happened? It clashed, the server was down. I was in uttered silence... I mean this was something that would amuse the class and Dr Thomas. I Faint... I could not believe something like that would obstruct me to obtain a good pass. Sobs... Then to supress the anger I went to my email.

The first word i see was the regret word:

I was so angry that i quickily click on the "close window" button.

When the presentation ended, I watched how people faired in their preesentation. It totally blew me away, :'( I thought I had not enough research and such.. So when it's time for the lecturer to announce our grade, I panic, " please don't tell me the bad news." Then i screamed, B! OMG! a B, Damn it. He was so generous.

When i got home to recheck the email again, GOL was good at this. He didn't want to hurt my feelings and made the email looked better (read carefully):

Thank you for your email.If you are applying for a position with NHC,we
regret to inform you that only shortlisted applicants will be notified. Thank
You. Regards.Human Resource Department,National Heart Centre

Can you believe this?

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