Monday, March 07, 2005

CSS, pretty fun i shall say

Just starting to learn something new. I am so influence by my friend who makes good blogs layouts. She's a professional. I really admired people of such nature. If only i had an elder sister, i am sure to follow every part of her footsteps if she was impressive.

Hey, god of luck is with me these few days. I've got A for my drug card!!! Can you believe it? An A for a presentation! It isn't very easy you know. *Kisses GOL*. I forgot to thank him for all the luck he gave me during clinical assessment, *kisses GOL* again. Life's great when he is on my side.

I just need GOL again for my sponorship. He has to help me out, all these years of good deeds never pays. This is the right time he help me out. I've tried almost 3 hospital and i wished he could give me a sprinkle of his luck dust.

Still unable to get my feet down on studying. Shucks. Too much happiness to spare... "A"s and an immediate pass. Which girl won't feel happy?

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