Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Howl's moving castle, 10/10

Yup, no other animation can beat it. Equally romantic and hilarious. Pretty enjoyable and never boring. Impressed me lots. I even showed a friend of mine who is totally skeptical about animations. Never believed animations as a movie but a child's play.

At the beginning of the movie, she sarcastically said, " Oh... I am watching cartoon..."
After that, she was impressed. Cartoons can't make senery real and lively... Oh yes it can, if you had great imaginations.

To think another friend of mine is also anti-jap. No anime, nothing about jap. But still she is unaware the cultures she does are Japanese originated. Sad. Why are people so like anti-animation? anti-Cartoons? Simply because they want to break free from the grudges of their parents. Independency, cartoons are related to childhood. They connect these together, although they are 2 different things.

I have a little child inside me, I argue and throw tantrum. Wants parents to be with me all the time. Hate making decisions. I dun want to lead, but love to follow. Leading outlines many consequences. Following take no responsiblities.

Howl the wizard is sucha handsome lad. Flushed with virginity and innocence. The artists is so good at this. The good thing about animation is that, you no need an audition to find a handsome lad. You just have to create one. Many people can't see it.
Spoiler ends!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Haiz, last night I dream of my dad's last moments. I kissed him on the cheek (just like the movie), and wisphered, " Dad, I love you". Then he was caught up with a RTA which.. wasn't how he died by.

Got to go study.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh mi Gosh, Howl is really handsome. The animation rocks big time.