Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Curses Singapore hospitals...

I want to cry, *sobs*. I wish i can tell this to a foreigner who loves his country. Singapore firstly is very small, history is shallow too. Nothing like the 3 classics of china. With weak foundation, my country put others into consideration. This could be good and bad. When you consider too much of other countries, you then to compare. And when our government compares, the mindset of "the grass is always greener at the other side" develops.

Having such a mindset causes people to have low self-esteem. Therefore, outside is good, singaporeans are *fill in the negative adjectives*. So you see, that's why I can't get a simple sponorship from our local hospitals, they think of other countries before the citizens. What is a privilege of being a citizen??

Vote? What for? PAP always wins. there are not really many advantages though. Army sucked too. Being a foreigner is better than being a citizen. CPF? Arhh, I will have to work till i die.

They will never cater for we, citizens. They like to use this stereotype on foreigners; hard-working, service-oriented. It's a fucking stereotype man!!!! Not everyone is like that, and not every singaporean is lazy although we are too comfortable at home. I hate those singaporean classmates of mine who got the sponsorship and is a damn lazy person.

That is worse compare to foreigners. Curse all hospitals in singapore!!!! This give my another reason to hate a country that is corrupted.

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