Wednesday, March 23, 2005

You know something...

You know something... I feel like drifting away to wilderness.
Any of you bought a book called, "GirlTalk" by Carol Weston?
I bought that book when I was secondary 2 because I was eavesdropping on my classmates reading abstracts of that book aloud and it sounded very interesting to me. I was very determined to get the book, I search high and low in Kinokunia but it was sold out. I gave up and asked my classmate where it was sold

"Why? You want to know about your crush is it?" She announced to her ruthless group of friends.

It was embarassing!!! I felt a slightly warm on the face and I remained quiet staring at my feet.

"At borders, wheelock place." She enlightened me.

At that time, I didn't know where it was (see how sua ku I am). I did my own research and when down directly to purchase the book. I remembered clearly I skipped many chapters and the only chapter I read was body and love.

This book made me grew up. I understand clearly everything about being an adolecence without risking my dignity asking people.

There was this chapter i read just 2 days ago on grief and loss.
If you can overcome the loss you had, you can overcome almost everything
even when you failed a minor test.

Apparently, I reckon it's false because I can't cope simple stress up till today although the loss of my dad can be emotional disturbing and I had gone through the mouning days. I lost all my courage I had during the dark days, I fear more than I had ever Feared in my life.


Yesterday was disasterous! You know what? A man in his early 40s touched my shoulder accidentally.

This was how it happened:
I was window shopping at northpoint basement 1 when I saw this attractive tote bag that I yearn for a year. Then while i was immersed and dreaming about the bag, I felt weights pressuring my right shoulders.

"I am not in a relationship, I know a few guys only, how can someone touch me on the shoulders like that. I bet it must be from some handsome guy I knew last time, he must be!!!" That was what passed through my mind.

When I turned to the left, the texture of that man's skin burst my bubble immediately. Then he was there giving me a wry smile. I shall let you create your own ending from here.

I bet must be my t-shirt, that hang ten t-shirt i was wearing. Grr... I swear to god i will never buy another hang ten t-shirt again. I know many aunties love hang ten till they go nuts. So i shall not compete with them.

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