Thursday, March 03, 2005

Arggh... Another allergic reaction

My life sucks, I wonder why my friend wants to be me.It's the First time I ever heard anyone say a thing like this to me. Shucks. I can name you over a 100 different disadvantages to be a person like me. I just get a few today because I dun have a mood to do anything.
  1. I have a very bad case of food allergy. Have anyone thought of a life being so restricted to certain food. Solely no shellfish; prawns, crabs, etc. Squids too And some fish too. Think about the time when you were enjoying your chili crab and itchness start to engulf your senses.
  2. Seafood is another thing, what about peanuts, walnuts. I get a hoarse throat and swollen lips for that. I think doubly twice before biting on offered chocolate from my friends.
  3. The weather plays an important part for the integrity of my skin. I get a rash when it's hot and humid.
  4. Dadless, what a life? No fun can be carried out fully without him.
  5. non-charismatic person. Nobody like a person like me. I really feel like Snape from Harry potter.
  6. The only thing that can counter an allergic reaction is to eat anti-histamines. Yah, they work but I feel so weak and pathetic all the time. Sad life.
  7. BGR-virgin. Explains everything
  8. Unapproachable, shy and skeptical person. I know I am really discouraging people to like a person like me.
  9. Follows people.
  10. gullible.

That's enough for you to hate me in a second. Now you know why people hate me so much.

I really wanna get involve in something. I wished someone will enlighten me. I used to be in a group of good people and another time with a group of sarcastic people. If, and I say if I ever get a sponsorship this time (please god of luck...), I will do the following things before I forget:

  1. Get my hair dyed
  2. Join a society (not a secret society of course)
  3. Thinking ar... Get a new friend from the net (optional)
  4. Treat my parent to somewhere fun
  5. A new clarinet (most likely a wooden one)
  6. sign my bro up for guitar courses(he really need someone to teach him properly)
  7. A Cantonese CD-Rom.
  8. Lastly find a guy friend that is not a wimp and an empty vessel.

More to be added next time. Hopefully this would be my movtivation to get through the interviewers impressed.

You must be wondering where the hell the God of luck came from. Oh I made it up.. It's a new religion of mine. Haven't thought of the name for it but you could read my entry about this religion
I went to a Japanese site in search for pictures on Howl's moving castle. To my amazement, the English used was such a horrid. I find difficulty understanding the message the person was putting across. I am glad I am native to the English language or else I wouldn't had passed my 'O' levels.

I truly a very bad person when it comes to languages just take for example my Chinese. It's was what I learned from young and I am totally useless when a person conducts a lesson in mandarin. I can never take a dialect easy, all mixed up and I speak by stuttering.

Can you ever fell in love with a fictional character? Sounds ridiculous but writers with this ability can move on to the next step of having his/her book best selling. Those who have read harry potter books, well I once liked cedric diggory alot. Simply because he is both handsome and composed. Howl in that movie was also one of my favourites.

I stupidly went back to the dreaded school to have look. And do missed the times in the classroom and my great form teacher who got me out of 'O'levels alive. It was really hard on her to have got student that defied her so many times. It even got the principal's attention which made her life damn stressful. I fully understand her plight. Nevertheless, she made herself one of my favourite teachers ever.


Demin Silver said...

To think the god of luck worked during my practical exam.

Anonymous said...

Hey, god of luck sounds refreshing, could you possibly convert me to your XXX religion