Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Rules for my laptop!

  • *From now on, Acer Aspire 1691WLMi will never go to any unacceptable sites and get programes that are not very trusted. Anything untrustable shall not be to be installed/ downloaded in it inclusive of pirated ware, shareware and freeware.

  • Alowed games in Acer Aspire 1691 WLMi; full version of warcraft 3, (to be added with serious consideration)

  • Allowed Shareware; none!

  • Allowed freeware; acehtml 5 freeware, spybot search and destroy, hello, msn

  • Allowed XXX ware; windows 2000 office, photoshop CS

  • Anything downloaded externally would only include files from/for friends(very closed ones), family and the school. No relatives.

  • Acer Aspire 1691 WLMi shall have strict rules regarding downloading, which definitely include directX controls.

That help me to get my com out of trouble. My precious shall never be harm by spybots, adware, and pirated ware which has a history of slowing down my precious com!!! Only used pirated ware by other coms is allowed.

Sad thing is my com is a bit screwy however I must prevent anything that screws up my computer.

Today i did something really bad! I scolded someone infront of his face. Oh what the heck? He doesn't even know I cursed him. That old classmate of mine was really shock to hear me scold him, well he doesn't know what a person I am.

I can't stand anyone that hurts my support group. They will have bad endings. Especially my dad, a solid support group of mine I can't lose but GOL has to do this to me anyway. So I curse the surgeon til hell for what he did to my dad, and the collegues, boss of his old company. Curse them for weakening my support system.

Today an old man wants to try and attack my support member. I felt really angry and curse him, "If you don't pass my friend, you shall lose all your hair!" Fortunately, she passed. So He did not lose any hair. I give blessed him with extra bits to cover his baldness.

I really think he hated my personality. Being Crude and heart-breaking. If I knew how to talk, I would be a marketing agent. Earning lots! Gosh! Some people just doesn't see the meaning of life. It's not how to speak but how you have a solid rice bowl for years.


Anonymous said...

Hi CutiePie, I’m out searching the web for the latest
and greatest information on spybot and found your
great site. Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t specifically
what I was looking for it definitely got my interest
and attention. I see now why I found your interesting
blog when I was looking for spybot related
information and I’m grateful I found your site even
though its not a perfect match. Great Post, thanks
for your informative site, Here’s my favorite quote
for you - "The real danger is not that computers
will begin to think like men, but that men will begin
to think like computers. " - Sydney J. Harris

Anonymous said...

Hello CutiePie, I’m out surfing the web for the latest
information on adaware and noticed your nice site.
Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking
for it certainly got my attention. Now I see why I
found your page when I was looking for adaware
related information and I’m thrilled I found your web
site even though its not a perfect match. Great Post,
thanks for your informative site, I’ll leave you with
my favorite quote from Isaac Asimov: "I do not fear
computers. I fear the lack of them.” Isaac Asimov

Anonymous said...

CutiePie, today I was looking for a nice blog
experience on spybot search and destroy and I found your website.
this post wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but it
did get my attention and interest. I see why I arrived
on your excellent website when I was searching for
spybot search and destroy related information and I’m glad I did
even though its not an exact fit. Let me contribute
to your website by leaving you with one of my favorite
quote from Thomas Jefferson: "To err is human - and to
blame it on a computer is even more so. - Robert Orben
Informative Post, thanks for the read and nice

Anonymous said...

Hey there CutiePie, I was looking for an educational
blog experience on adaware and I found your
blog-site. this post isn’t exactly what I was
searching for but it did get my and interest. Now I
know why I found your excellent blog-site when I was
looking for adaware related information and I’m
glad I did even though its not an exact find. Great
Informative Post, thanks for the read and educational
experience. Well let me contribute to your blog-site
by leaving you with my all time favorite quote from
Clifford Stoll: " Treat your password like your
toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a
new one every six months. Clifford Stoll

Anonymous said...

Hey there CutiePie, I was looking for an educational
blog experience on spybot and I found your
blog-site. Rules for my laptop! isn’t exactly what I was
searching for but it did get my and interest. Now I
know why I found your excellent blog-site when I was
looking for spybot related information and I’m
glad I did even though its not an exact find. Great
Informative Post, thanks for the read and educational
experience. Well let me contribute to your blog-site
by leaving you with my all time favorite quote from
Clifford Stoll: " Treat your password like your
toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a
new one every six months. Clifford Stoll

Anonymous said...

CutiePie, today I was looking for a nice blog
experience on adaware and I found your website.
Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but it
did get my attention and interest. I see why I arrived
on your excellent website when I was searching for
adaware related information and I’m glad I did
even though its not an exact fit. Let me contribute
to your website by leaving you with one of my favorite
quote from Thomas Jefferson: "To err is human - and to
blame it on a computer is even more so. - Robert Orben
Informative Post, thanks for the read and nice

Anonymous said...

Hey there CutiePie, I was looking for an educational
blog experience on remove adware and I found your
blog-site. Rules for my laptop! isn’t exactly what I was
searching for but it did get my and interest. Now I
know why I found your excellent blog-site when I was
looking for remove adware related information and I’m
glad I did even though its not an exact find. Great
Informative Post, thanks for the read and educational
experience. Well let me contribute to your blog-site
by leaving you with my all time favorite quote from
Clifford Stoll: " Treat your password like your
toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a
new one every six months. Clifford Stoll

Anonymous said...

Hi there CutiePie, I’m out surfing for the latest
information on remove adware and found your great site.
Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking
for it certainly peaked my interest. Now I see why I
found your page when I was looking for remove adware
related information and I’m happy I found your wine
blog even though this isn’t a perfect match. Great
Post, thanks for the read, I will leave you with one
of my favorite quotes from Andy Rooney: " Computers
make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the
things they make it easier to do don't need to be
done.." Andy Rooney

Anonymous said...

CutiePie, today I was looking for a nice blog
experience on adware scan and I found your website.
Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but it
did get my attention and interest. I see why I arrived
on your excellent website when I was searching for
adware scan related information and I’m glad I did
even though its not an exact fit. I’ll contribute to
your website by leaving you with one of my favorite
quote from Walter Mossberg:: "Why shouldn't a PC work
like a refrigerator or a toaster? " -- Walter

Anonymous said...

Hello CutiePie, I’m out surfing the web for the latest
information on addaware and noticed your nice site.
Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking
for it certainly got my attention. Now I see why I
found your page when I was looking for addaware
related information and I’m thrilled I found your web
site even though its not a perfect match. Great Post,
thanks for your informative site, I’ll leave you with
my favorite quote from Isaac Asimov: "I do not fear
computers. I fear the lack of them.” Isaac Asimov

Anonymous said...

Hi there CutiePie, I’m out surfing for the latest
information on adware scan and found your great site.
Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking
for it certainly peaked my interest. Now I see why I
found your page when I was looking for adware scan
related information and I’m happy I found your wine
blog even though this isn’t a perfect match. Great
Post, thanks for the read, I will leave you with one
of my favorite quotes from Andy Rooney: " Computers
make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the
things they make it easier to do don't need to be
done.." Andy Rooney

Anonymous said...

Hi there CutiePie, I’m out surfing for the latest
information on addaware se and found your great site.
Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking
for it certainly peaked my interest. Now I see why I
found your page when I was looking for addaware se
related information and I’m happy I found your wine
blog even though this isn’t a perfect match. Great
Post, thanks for the read, I will leave you with one
of my favorite quotes from Andy Rooney: " Computers
make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the
things they make it easier to do don't need to be
done.." Andy Rooney

Anonymous said...

CutiePie, today I was looking for a nice blog
experience on addaware se and I found your website.
Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but it
did get my attention and interest. I see why I arrived
on your excellent website when I was searching for
addaware se related information and I’m glad I did
even though its not an exact fit. Let me contribute
to your website by leaving you with one of my favorite
quote from Thomas Jefferson: "To err is human - and to
blame it on a computer is even more so. - Robert Orben
Informative Post, thanks for the read and nice

Anonymous said...

Hello CutiePie, I’m just searching the web for the
next big thing on addaware and noticed your great
site. Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t actually what I was
looking for it DID get my attention and interest. I
see now why I found your great website when I was
searching for addaware related information and I’m
thankful I found your blogsite even though its not an
exact match. Excellent Post, thanks for the read
(It’s a keeper), One last thing, here’s a great quote
from Doug Larson - "Home computers are being called
upon to perform many new functions, including the
consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog." -
Doug Larson

Anonymous said...

Hey there CutiePie, I was looking for an educational
blog experience on remove adware and I found your
blog-site. Rules for my laptop! isn’t exactly what I was
searching for but it did get my and interest. Now I
know why I found your excellent blog-site when I was
looking for remove adware related information and I’m
glad I did even though its not an exact find. Great
Informative Post, thanks for the read and educational
experience. Well let me contribute to your blog-site
by leaving you with my all time favorite quote from
Clifford Stoll: " Treat your password like your
toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a
new one every six months. Clifford Stoll

Anonymous said...

Hello there CutiePie, I’m out surfing for a good blog
experience on remove adware and found your great site.
Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I’m looking for
it certainly got my attention and interest. I see now
why I found your excellent blog-site when I was
searching for remove adware related web sites and I’m
glad I found your site even though its not an exact
match. I’ll leave you with a good quote from Walter F.
Mondale - "What do we want our kids to do? Sweep up
around Japanese computers? " -- Walter F. Mondale
Excellent Post, thank you for the read.

Anonymous said...

Hi there CutiePie, I’m out surfing for the latest
information on adaware and found your great site.
Although Rules for my laptop! wasn’t exactly what I was looking
for it certainly peaked my interest. Now I see why I
found your page when I was looking for adaware
related information and I’m happy I found your wine
blog even though this isn’t a perfect match. Great
Post, thanks for the read, I will leave you with one
of my favorite quotes from Andy Rooney: " Computers
make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the
things they make it easier to do don't need to be
done.." Andy Rooney