Tuesday, September 21, 2004

My memories...

I am so sensitive towards unfamilar objects. It's like a case of stroke. It can happen anytime even with the slightest provocation. I feel that being independent is good as you do not rely too much on people.why do i say dependent people are at risk? if that person leaves you, you are bound to perish in the hands of decomposers. You do not have something to fall back on. Back to my sensitivity, i have this unconsious mind taking over all my decision (Sigmund freud's psychodynamic perspective) Even what ever i say and do, it's when i reflect on my actions on that day i could even laugh at them. I can really hand it all over to my unconciousness.

I am actually in the center of this pic.
do you see a girl with short hair looking very glum?
That's me

the holistic view of my band without the conductor
he's actually tuning the French horns
*click on the pics for a larger view

Pictures taken on (3rd day after chinese new year 2003 ) at istana with mr president, SR Nathan (hey i even shook hands with him)

I was listening with my mp3 i downloaded from MIRC. All of them were my band's repertoire. All had many fond memories attached to them. I used to be tempted to go back on band life but then again the other me says,
"stop living in a world of memories, you can't turn back time. Get practical! Never go back... Everyone must upgrade and move on to greater heights. "
As this chinese saying goes " ma bu chi hui tou chao". If only good times stays where it is at and live it like a normal routine. To think i look so glum at that time. Still searching for the reason why. Dirty scores? being dispised by victoria school? Or maybe just the pathetic leader of my band?

1 comment:

Demin Silver said...

I hope all of u like my blog. testing the comments portion!!!Please ignore