Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Still awake?

It's 2.30 am in the morning and i am still awake. Why? I had the best chance today and i lose it? A chance to ask my friend for a treat. I always wanted it for months. I couldn't. Yes, I couldn't. I wasn't afraid to ask but my narrowminded thought stopped me.

Come to think of it, i was so idiotic. Why? My threshold of jealousy is so high. I can't stand people who are happy and i'm not. Don't you think it's a normal behaviour. Alright, i shall stop putting y0u on supend. My friend was talking with a person i hate the most. That person gave me a very bad first impression. I can't stand people who mingle with those i hate.

So self-centred of me! It beats being human. Having feelings sucks! Why do i have feelings? It is full of jealousy.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

A sacrifice that i have to bear

I agree that my blog is having whiny complains consecutively but nevertheless, my work is never satisfying. Apart from having a productive cough( which is a good sign that i am recovering), my fingers tremble like a vibrated handphone.

Work complain 1
I can't believe the people working at the main building of motorola, those that help increase productivity and save company's cost.

These are the people working in the offices, siting down infront of their PC. I wish they could do a better job as in to help us get things done smoothly. Today i saw the trancievers( in another words handphones not sold yet), stored in battery door trays. These trays were flimsy and unstackable. If you won't careful, the trancievers might fell to the ground and you would waste time matching IMEIs(the ID for each trancievers).

I think they did this was because of cost saving. But in the end, they are not at all saving any cost if the trancievers break. Are they running out of ideas?

Work complain 2
This was the reason why my fingers are trembling. There was a box made of tinted plastic was as hard as cardboard. I have to use all my strength to press it down. Some times, my fingers even got crammed. It just won't move.People who increase Productivity should order boxes that is more flexible.

`EnD oF CoMplAiNs~

I glad you skipped the complains. I paid $25 for the chalet and I didn't go because i wanted to make money. A sacrifice for the sake of future happiness. If you guys see this (i know nobody reads my blog), please stab me in the face for being a very selfish person.

My friend SMS me this at 7 pm( while i was working)

Man Yun, tmr we r
going 2 escape theme
park, r u coming?
After reading this message several times i could cry, " I must sacrifice all the fun for my future". Can you sense jealousy? I am totally in regret for a moment, but it seems that i really won't feel good if i am having fun when other people are working. If any of you read this, please punch me in the face when school reopen.

At some point, i felt i must pay people back for what i have promised. There was this personality workshop i had in seconday school. the letters each represent a personality,
D, I, S, C. After learning psychology in poly this year, i had to disagree with this workshop. I fall in the catergory of the S. S people are conscience-driven. We will always remember our promises even for 10 years.

So now i am feeling pain when i didn't keep my promise. For 8 months, i owe someone a treat that i promise. I am going to sms the person by tomorrow or else i would be so haunted. I wish he will accept it. Keke, food.... Who doesn't want it?

Thursday, November 25, 2004

What a bad day... Sick and braindead

Mood :::: dead::::

Just came back from work as usual... no wait! today is the worse day of my life. Now as i am typing, i am sneezing profusely. I am so sick and my body can't take it. ( It's too used to been healthy). I can't believe 3 days of work and i am sneezing like this. No sooner i would be down with hyperthermia.

Had recovered from sore throat and now i am having ineffective airway clearance, BLOCKED NOSE and a runny nose. What's the meaning of this? Taking turns? One after another. I bet the next stop is another wave of dry cough.

I will not finish this entry if had to relate all that had happened to me today. It's too much to complain.

Good news...
We always start with the good news, had seen my results and i was pretty happy with it. Why do i need to pursue further? I have did my best. My friend got a distinction and i was jealous for a moment just now. This whole thing is so unfair, i can't choose my group members and group work helps alot in getting good marks. Some of my group members stink. 2 of 7 are slackers, 1 is a very and i mean 1 hour late comer.

This is so unfair. Why do i bother in the first place? In the long run, all i need to do is to be a good staff nurse and thats it. If i carry on somemore, this will never end .

Clean my hamster's cage. Har.. this seem stupid to you but it needs lots of morale to clean that dirty cage. What i mean is 75% of my time at home is at low morale. Lucky i had Bui Bui to boost me.

Signed up for OT( over time) today. Money !!! Yeah!!

Now for the bad news,
I was tortured at work from 4pm to 11pm. 7 hours, great scotts. Standing at a table and doing my work with a "robot". First of all i stupidly drank some leftover juice from the frige and had diarrhoea at home. From then i started having a cold.

The Air conditioning was turned up to the max today. About 10 degrees. I am at the table with stacks of undone handphones stood before me. There was a suction motor just 1.5 meters away from me. It was emiting wind, adding to the cold. For 7 hrs, i was suffering from these threats. My group leader (GL) whose name is Li ping, kept forcing me to do fast by scolding me, "hou xiang yao si bu huo de"(working like a zombie). One worse thing was my runny nose kept having mucus and my paper napkin supply ran out at the first hour.

SO JIA LAT (unlucky), i was like wishing someone would come over to rescue me from this. Yes, someone did! The time flew fast and i am safe at home already.

Heres a brief history of my working place now...
Not 9 months ago, i worked in a building called Tech-Point. It was meant for storing all the goods and be well ready for shipment. Life was simple and there wasn't any stress. All we did was changing the labels and slacking around.

At that point in time, i really thought my life was at its climax. The QA(quality assurer) was friendly, group leader(GL) was my friend. Everything that was out of the norm can be done, such as using the manual forklifter as a kickscooter for travelling in the warehouse and eating great food(KFC, Pizza Hut, Etc...), doing all the things that the QA does, having 1 hour breaks.

Doesn't that felt like heaven? happiness doesn't last forever.

Thinking back all these fond memories, I shall never say i am mistreated at work. Sometimes I really want to get back all these happy times but thing has change, we can't turn everything back.

With the scent still lingering in that building, I could feel my memories still alive and the joy is intense.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A change that is too much

First of all, the working place is not motorola!! It's at tech point, damn it man. That was the building of memories i wish not to be remembered. Though i had joy and laughter, i must put everything behind and look into the future.

Once i stepped into the building a wiff of familarity rise up into my nose. I thought it wasn't good to collaborate thoughts that aren't going to happen. Why am i always wanting to reignite all my past? I suck.

Things really change alot! A production line was divided into 2, now 1. I first started my new form of life by opening boxes. 3 people was opening boxes for a single line. Then i thought how i manage to fold boxes for 2 lines all by myself. Nobody call me a good box folder for nothing.

I think i shall stop here for now. My feet is aching.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Oh great! Now they are getting poor.

Just had an interview for motorola this afternoon. I went there with high hopes and dreams all planned up for myself. Wanting everything in life, nice clothes, a new mobile, a new life. I made up a dream entirely flawless and smooth-sailing. As you can see, i am a person full of fantasy, never putting reality into consideration. The consequences had such an impact on me when i first heard the news.

Wonder what happened at the interview? you're about to find out. After a great hearty meal at S11, the coffeeshop, i peered at my watch, "11.30am, hmm 30 more mins to the start of the interview". My friend and I decided to have a walk before heading down to the Van to fill up the form.

I thought that walk was the best of the day, there was so much hopes and estasy. The road to the van was the longest ever, from afar i could see a crowd of people gathering around the van that was suppose to be the beginning of a new life of temporary work.

My heart raced when i saw the fresh 'O' level leavers filling up the form even with their uniform. "why aren't they at home replenishing their energy". One of them was from a school that were a stone throw away from my house.

I've got the application form with the help of my friend. I hesitated several times while filling up the form.
  1. the shift of work (Wasn't too difficult though, i've always wanted morning)
  2. the company i have been employed before. (There was a drip of sweat while filling this part, my friend told me to write the truth about the motorola employment, the reason was that it will increase the chance of getting the job)
  3. the education (i wanted them to believe i was going to work till june so that i could be hired, i was a big fat lie though)

That's all, it seems that all these information was very essential for the HR to consider everything. It was time.

It was time to hand up the form to the agent to get it endorse. I presented my IC, to him. He wasn't a stranger to me at all. I could recognized him from afar although he wasn't my agent last year. He had that street punk look, as what we call, "ah beng".

There was so much info that i couldn't take it:

"Now motorola is sub-contracted. There may not be many places for you. I would want to recomend you to seagate for a 12 hours/day job. Erm, sorry but you are still 17, they can only hire people 18 and above."

What is the meaning of only 18 and above? ain't this a practice of ageism? What matters is the actual age of the person's mentality. Ah, nevermind. I can let this go. However, there was one thing i was fully astounded by.

"the transport for motorola is out of contract. Only for seagate." He said firmly

I can't believe it! why must motorola do this. This was when i felt that my flawless plan had been wracked. The only company that have transport to the ground floor of my block. Haizz...Things do change for the worse. I didn't consider economy before making a dream. It's so heart-breaking to accept the facts.

I had enough of this horrible news, it had spoilt my day. I finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire after reading the second time. All the misunderstanding of the story was clear. I felt so sorry for cedric, handsome and kind people don't live long. Just a command of you-know-who's wand, you are dead."Avada kedavra " and the next minute you aren't breathing and dead without knowing anything.

Cedric was only trying to be noble to let Harry have the cup. If only harry was firmer abit and touch it himself and he won't be pulling cedric down with him. No one would had suppected mad -eye moody was a fraud. Crouch's son was a faithful death eater so loyal as to plan out everything so well. At first I thought Harry winning all the while was not part of the plan. What an irony. J.K rowling has live up to her name.

After i week of a good fantasy book, i was starting to have wierd dreams. 1 dream was about doing something out of good will and not by choice. I was helping someone against my benefit to make everyone happy. I hated these dreams, they seem so realistic.

Have to end this entry right here for now. Good luck everyone in NYP for the results on 25nov!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The art of sipping cough mixtures

My elder brother just got a bad sore throat last week and he was rotting at home the entire week. Imgine his bacteria spreading in the house for like 5 days. In one minute a single bacteria can divide into 2, that makes it 14400 of his sore throat bacteria, streptococcus.

Now he's bacteria had spread to me causing me to be having this used-to-be smooth throat. Now overdosing myself with woods, the cough mixture. Some scientist found out that cough mixtures are addictive and does not do anything effective to your throat. It only gives you the temporary feeling of ease.

I used to be voiceless about 2 years ago where i can't even breath a single word from my voice box. From then i learn the art of eating cough mixtures that are made of peppermint. I know you won't believe there is such a thing called "the art of sipping cough mixtures".

You need a certain kind of skill used by your tongue to help you ease the sore feeling. If you want to know more? simply ask you tongue to answer your burning question.It all got to do with the effects of your tongue.
That the picture of your throat. while sipping the syrup. make sure that it touches A, B and D. swallow as slowing as you can. And the effect of you gluping down the syrup is different from this art of sipping cough mixtures

Well, i am glad i am going to work soon, or else i would be real sick.Being sick to some people is a blessing. To me, it's a dread! you can't eat fried, cold stuff. Why do we live? To enjoy it and not to be restricted by our illnesses.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

I have finished watching Stairway to Heaven!

Erm.. Not really that fantastic as i expected. The ending was pathetic. Something made me change my mind on putting that C5 label on that drama. The piano piece was great. So i shall give it a B4. Monday is the day where i start working. Haizz, no more being a tai tai at home but there are still advantages.

I hate staying at home long enough for people to repeat everything to me. I just want people to tell me something new. My mom kept saying the same old thing that happen a year and a half ago. So boring. When she say i was so imatured not to listen to her like any idoit would be, i was silently furious. Why would anyone listen to her attentively after listening to the same old thing after 5 or 6 times? That person listening would be in the mental hospital by now, nodding his head madly.

"I think i got to find someone that will listen to me.", and "your elder brother is a MAN, at least he listens to me, this is called a listening ear" Once i listen to these sentences i could punch people.

I better get out of this house either by working or schooling or else i have to bear all these nagging. See what i mean, seeing her for 4 hours everyday ain't that bad. At least she won't start her nagging on me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Great! Now I am neglecting my journal

Just went playing around with photoshop after been influenced by my friend, jane. She sure knows about programming too, CSS, html.

Another trauma has relasped again!!! Imgine yourself lying on your cozy bed, tugged under your favourite blanket, ready to enter the first stage of non-rapid eye movement of sleep. Something was disturbing you right in the middle of the night where the lights were out and everything were splashed with black paint.

You learnt that something was tickling you under your blanket. You curiously picked up your tired hands and have a good look at that allergen. "Gasp!" A silent scream escaped your lips. You came out of my bed immediately. It was a shaped like a kite, the length of a normal toothpick. What was worse, it was crawling up towards your body., tickling every portion of your tiny hair

You flicked it twice and it was still stuck to my hand. It started crawling faster and faster. Without thinking, you used the other hand and sweep it away from your side.

That was what happened to me that night on Tuesday. It didn't just happened the first time but twice. I reckon the THING must be some kind of a kroach.

Monday, November 15, 2004

My wishlist is published!

Great scotts! what a long list of things to do this holiday, too long to be done right away. This morning was weird, my dream hint to me what shift i should apply for motorola. It suggest that i should take the afternoon shift. But i need to attend my friend's chalet on the following thursday. so i think morning is still the best.

Do you think i am dream orientated? Yes, i am. Everything i do is directed by my dreams, my career, my looks (not quite). Many other people's doings are directed by money, such as wanting a rich spouse, a high status. It's about time you think what are you motivated by?

I am one-third way through Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The part where hermione founded S.P.E.W(society for the protection of elfish welfare). I nearly laughed until my heart content. I can't believe a fifteen-year-old has such complex thinking.

when Ronald weasley asked, "how many members are there?" Her reply is so naive as in to have only 3, that includes harry and ron. I remembered later on in the story, hermione went into the extreme to knit clothes for these house elses for freedom. But all was wasted. The house elves felt very rediculus. They liked slavery, they don't want any freedom.

Gosh, I feel that i have been thinking twice before typing my words in the chat conversation. My mom lectured me about speaking well with people. Not to insult people and think about what is the purpose of the conversation. This isn't healthy for me. My freedom of speech is gone, i am so tied down with ethics. This make me feel like i have no personality.

Alright, now approaching the end of stairway to heaven series. Not as fanastic as i had imagined. From episodes 10-16 (which i at now) are so boring. I think at this stage, the writer was losing steam. The episodes of 1 to 9 rocks. Always wanted it to be suprising and less of the sad parts like jin su having her tumor in the eye. I hope 17 to 20 would be able to bring up it's name as to be the best series after winter sonata.

do you know why i said that? no tear was shred from 10 onwards, i was sitting on my crouch moaning for a change of atmosphere. I really hope that Jin su gets to be with chen jun at the last moment, or else i would give this entire series a C5.

I bet i could be a better writer than Park Hye Kyung. The story doesn't hold the viewer well enough. It deteriorates by the episodes. Every viewer like me wants something that will make me want to go on and on. But he fails to be a good screen writer.

Look what i found in the net:

the producers are selling this necklece. Cool!!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

A Saturday wasted....

Mood :::: bored::::::

I suddenly realized the regrets I have for the year once I think about it. First of all I regretted not doing more OTs for the last Christmas at my ever first working life; Motorola. Secondly, I gravely regret leaving my first every company that had the most pay and the most wonderful people.

My first day of work at Motorola was like the first day I started walking independently on my 2 feet. I could see a different perspective from what I have imagine. It's was like a totally a new experience.

A place where nobody knows you at all.Do you know what this meant to me? They treat you like a new person. Nobody knows your history such as being hostile or unfriendly. I've always wanted a life like that.

I have decided already, on 22 nov 2004 i would be at yio chu kang MRT station getting my interview. My wish list is still processing. Everything in that list shall come true.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Happy Deepavali

Mood::: having my DMS*: moody:::::::
*DMS:during menstrual syndrome

I am really moody today, so dun you make me mad cause the heat is up. Those cramps are killing me. What's worse is that the panadol i have at home doesn't work! There is still pain. Lucky this one is slightly irritating.

The worst cramp i ever had in my life was during my father's last day of his wake. The pain was touching my pelvic bone, it felt like crushing everything together. I really felt like collasping onto the floor of the void deck and scream, " oh please somebody, help me!"

Today felt like chinese new year as i was going from one house to another. There was this family that i went that i was not really familiar with the blood ties. My grandfather's brother's son's family. The son is now deceased, almost 75+ if he was still alive. I find the relationship really odd. That means this 75 year old man is my mom's cousin. And my mom is only 45+ years old.

Once i think about it, i get a bad headache. Speaking of headaches, research says that headaches/ migranes are the most common pain in humans. I find that cramps are more appropriate. it happens almost every month.

I'm getting out of point again. That family just had a near-to-a-month old baby. She's so innocent and cute. To think i used to look like that when i was young. The feeling is when everyone treats you equally, they do not think about how you are gona feel if I hold you. That's because i know you won't make a fuss out of it. As you grow older, people start to put consequences when they approach you. Like, " will this girl scold me if i talk to her". This type of thoughts are always drilled in their minds.

before i go on i would like to show to something:

How you react when you see a baby

and an

ugly girl. Think about how you judge these people?

Everyone has a self-fulling stereotype mindset in them. Appearances determines their stereotype. If you're ugly, people put you a reserve and unfriendly stereotype on you. If you are pretty, they see you as warm hearted and caring.

Being a newborn baby is the best, people can't see whether you are ugly/ pretty, etc. So they treat you like any other baby in the world unlike a person that has develop in character and appearance.

I admit, i practise this unfair justice of a good person and a bad person although i am not so well to do. Sometimes, i wish i get hit by a car and washed away my brain cells that kept this mindset.

Let carry on my day, then i went to my aunt's condominum that was located at tanah merah(that is so far!) Alright, i will stop whining from now on. They had all the facilities; gym, tennis court, nearby market, swimming pool, etc. A designer's apartment, kids to fill up their loneliness. Being rich ain't good. I can hear you saying that I am crazy in your head.

Let me explain you my reason. What does being rich mean? more responsiblities at taking care of your children and your priced possession. One day, someone who is an innovator that disagrees following the means of obtain money by working hard would come and kidnap your children and ask for a ransom or even finding out a way to get into your treasury.

That status of "being rich" is so hard to maintain. Has anyone played The simciy 4? Rich people in my city have a very hard time maintaining their status. I see the middle and lower class almost occupying everywhere in my city.

There is this big thing call TAX. Richer people have to pay more tax than the poorer people, which means poorer people have more money in percentage than rich people. Do you get wad i mean? I mean rich people must had stress alot at work just to maintain their status. And nobody likes stress.

Alright i have explain my point. My cousins at 4 and 5 are enjoying the life's of the rich. Having an education at $580 per month. i was catching my breath at the moment i heard the numerals said. What is it like to be richie rich? PROBLEMS and more complicated problems. I think i prefer being the middle class.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A new hair cut!

I just got a new hair cut yesterday, and it was so short. I couldn't believe the hairdresser's level of understanding was so bad. i told her that most of my hair should mere touch my shoulders and her first snip was so short!

There was an middle age woman that was has finished my friend's hair and came over to finish up my hairdresser's work said the phase that nobody and i mean nobody has ever said it before, "Your hair is oily" in mandarin. I just had my hair washed by my hairdresser and she said it was oily. what is the meaning of this?

I even thought my hair was the most well-balanced in sebrum. I reckon she was just jealous of my silky hair.

Just watched shark tale yesterday, not as what i had expected but I like the way those shrimps acted. They sounded like someone who just got castrated. I was so pissed off while watching the movie. Wanna know why? just when i thought buying something different as popcorn , why can't i eat other food than popcorn? She even took away my water supply, not even water is allowed? Crazy bitch!

I hid my food in my bag, pass through the gates. 10 mins into the show, a company "spy" came over to look across our shoulders to see what we were eating in the dark. This is crazy, have anyone teach them some manners about privacy.

Why ain't water bottles allowed in the cinema? What if i am a diabetic, a renal failure patient? Am i forced to buy Coca Cola, sprite, ice lemon tea to the cinema? I can't understand this type of small thing is not allowed.

It's ok for me but the rules of the company stinks. I just finished watching Stairway to heaven episodes 11 and 12 today. At this pointed of the show, i feel that it was still the beginning, and Jin shu has a long way to the top. look at this pic:

The men in black
The asian style
What is their next move?
I feel that this is a well taken pic. don't you think so?

Monday, November 08, 2004

City hall? Raffle's Place?

Mood:::: Exhausted terribly::::

I admit that I am a country bumpkin, always staying at home all the time. Not street wise, easily lost in the concrete jungle. Please spare that laughter of yours after reading this blog so that I won't be sneezing my nose away.

It's my luck that the power supply was cut from 8.30am to 3.00pm. The weather was humid and scorching, I first move was to switch on the electrical fan. Oh shit! Why now? The fan blades just stood stationary before me triggering my anger. An alternative way was to go some where else to get my sweat evaporated. Ah.. The library.

Just paid $21 for National library's premium membership just for the sake of the music scores that used to be free. The one and only place that has music scores is the library at esplanade. How special! For a girl who rarely has the time and $$ to go to the city, would obiviously treat the city like a foreign land.

Want to know when was the last time i went to the esplanade? the week that esplanade was offically open, which was somewhat 2 years ago? The most significant memory i had was i went there with my dad, who used to be always there to protect me when the night falls. The feeling of being protected was a sense of indirect love from my dad.

So here is where you can laugh about me till your hearts contents. The night before, i asked my mom which MRT station the esplanade was located, "raffle's place" was her reply. Today, i took a train from Yishun to raffle's place which was about 35 min.

There was a strange wind of stupidity gushing through my face. My doubt told me it was city hall, and so i went back a station to city hall. at the moment, eyes were darting from side to side for the damn word, " esplanade". i called my elder brother to comfirm.

"Err Kor (i dun use this to call him but this is to protect his privacy), which station is the esplanade one ar?" I do sound cute on the phone though.

"Raffle's place la." the background always sounded muffled,

"raffle's city?" I spurt that for my unconcious mind.

" Raffle's place la" he insisted

"Sure anot?" i think i ask him this question 3 times before going back to that darned place

"tham ma de. of course la! bye" I will always remember him scolding me that for nothing.

Once i got out from the gates of raffle's city once again, my phone rang.
"hey, sorry sorry, i think city hall faster." I became silent for the moment and nearly cried.

dun you think this is stupid? fortunately my EZ-link was on conceshion or i would strangle my bro to death. Dun you think i am too gullible? I trust people too much and this is bad.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Stairway to heaven was great.

|mood| :::: madly influenced by love::::

Apparently, i am not suppose to grade my korean series without watching the whole thing. Now i had finished 7 discs out of 20 and still find it worth the money. I guess i have not much experience on korean series.

At this point of the series, i can feel the pain for the handsome, rich, powerful and of course full of tricks guy. When he cries, i can feel his tear drops flowing down my face. My god, i am so badly influenced by him. i hope my choices ain't carried out by my emotional unstablity in future.

Now i know why i can't be a fair judge; i am too self-centred. When i think of people's feelings, i am actually thinking about myself having the feeling and not puting other people's character into consideration.

lets put this into an example, I was thinking about my china classmates who are taking the biology paper in english. During the paper, i thought in my mind, how would they do the questions if the standard of english used in the paper is too difficult for them. After the paper, i reconsidered that and found that i was using myself as an example that i am so useless in chinese and even with 12 years of chinese education i won't be able to answer any of the biological question if they were translated to chinese. I did not consider what their level of english was, which proof to be a self-centred thought.

I know that example is really hard to understand but to put it short, i am selfish.

Here is the verdict for starway to heaven at the moment. Before i know the revolution of the story, i have to judge the body of the story to be fair.

storyline: 8/10, i thought the storyline at the moment was getting to somewhere and the writer knows how to make the playtime longer without repeating flashbacks. Able to use of silence at the right moment, nothing is left out suspicious of the viewer.

entertainment: 9/10, plenty of funny scenes where i can't stop laughing, main actor was good at making me amused at how he win the actress's heart, (although he hadn't)

music: 3/10, totally sucked. the purcussioning sounded like a rock band and in each episode, it was played 3 times. Singing of the song wasn't fantastic

replay value: 7/10, great scenes that are worth watching again

romance power: 9/10, insanely touching for me

36/50 wow, not bad. an A2.

Alright, doing this kept me away from reality. I did alot of socialising today,at my aunt's 2 storey semi-detached. The people there still remembers me after 3 weeks. I am glad i will be able to celebrate Chinese New Year again next year. After the death of my father, i was force to stay on low profile on CNY this year. It felt like being lonely again.

Think of chinese's wonderful delicacies:
shark fin soup (i didn't get to eat this year )

Bah Qua

steam boat

I know there is more but i think i can't eat those because i have seafood allergy. I love prawns noodle soup and the worse thing is i can't eat it. Life sucks.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Finally! i can reach the "Blog creating" page

Blogger is getting screwy and i was so angry when the page can't load and this error kept appearing, "internal error, contact technical support!" At the moment, i was losing my temper and all my id wanted to do is to wrack my monitor screen.

ok.. then i went back to play The SIMS2, wanting to forget everything. Those of you who have not played the SIMS 2, you are missing out alot. Great new features and amazingly better AI. However, EA games still have room for improvement. Wanna see some pictures i took for my sims? here they are:

Some of THE SIMS 2 Mysteries

Why would a person be talking about ghost while eating her dinner?

Why would a weak old grandmother be jumping on the sofa? Trapie is just too excited about this new sofa i bought for her.

Sims can get trashed out from their homes? oh my god, you gotta pay your instalments regularly!

Oh dear, i did something bad today to my sims, i made a female flirt another female sim and her husband felt cheated. Then, my evil side told me to click on the break up option.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

WOoHOoo. The E-X-A-Ms are over!

After a vigorous use of my short termed memory, I finally get to rest it for good. Just had my psychology exam last morning at 8.30 am and it was great. All I did was to memorize the definitions and phew, those i had memorized wasn't gone to waste. Here's one tip for those of ya who have difficulty memorising multiple definitions.

TIP: Remember a typical game show, they usually use cards to ask questions. use one side of the card to be the question and the other to be the answer. Let say you need to get the definition of operant conditioning by next morning. Then you write at one side, "what is operant conditioning?" and the other side, "it is learning the relationships between the behaviour and consequences". do this for many other definitions and shuffle it to test yourself.

To think i studied psychology for only one night. So if you are one of those procastinators that leave everything to the last minute, try this method. If I can do it in one night, so can you. Hey, starting a book on helping people who procastinate dun seem quite far away.

Right after the examination, i didn't went home to have a nap marathon( which I would probably do) but i ran back just ta play with my elder brother War Craft 3: the frozen throne. That was damn fun. I am a stradegy game lamer, so never to ask me to play with you a multiplayer match. Try if i could, the opposite player always get mad while playing with me. I can't help it.I am lucky to have a tolerant brother.

Then, when it was 2 pm, ahh... i didn't sleep, i went down to seng kang to assist my friend in her math. At the same time, indulge myself with a bowl of You mian, home made noodles at hougang mall. I couldn't believe i went all the way just to eat that well made noodles. i bet it was my ulmost desire to eat that bowl of noodles right after the exams.

After having a weird craze on Korean drama, I bought a box of Korean drama series without considering the reviews by people. I search the web for reviews and all of them pinot the negative way. Damn! I bought it because it's got my favourite actress, Choi Ji Woo inside. At some angles she's pretty and at some angles she's not. Cool isn't it?

Stairway to Heaven

The box i had didn't looked like that but who cares. Just started watching the first disc and i shed my first tear. First disc and the first tear. I am really emotionally unstable and if anybody breaks up a relationship with me, the first move is to cry and stab myself. That's why I am still around. I have never went through a relationship before.

Although my first trauma was my deceased father, my body is still intact. Don't say that i have very little bonding with him as the truth is the totally the opposite. After one year of his death which is 8-7-2003, i was still crying at upon his aniversary.

alright, i think i am getting out of point. what matters is that i had a sleep marathon this afternoon. From 1 pm to 5pm. What a great day i had.

I am in the process of creating a wish list for my blog, so please come back for more updates

Monday, November 01, 2004

God damn this guy: Mr Took/ Ah hao.

This guy is such a sissy... take a look at this article

Body of missing China girl found; Malaysian prime suspect
THE search for missing eight-year-old Huang Na drew to a close on Sunday in the worst possible way: Her naked body was found badly-decomposed, unrecognisable and stuffed into a box less than half her size.
The box was found in dense undergrowth at Telok Blangah Hill Park on Sunday morning, just hours after Penang-born Took Leng How, 22, had been questioned by police.
Mr Took, who fled across the Causeway on Oct 21 after Singapore police had interviewed him twice, surrendered to Malaysian police on Saturday and was brought here. He has been arrested for murder.
The search ended three weeks to the day that Huang Na, a China national, disappeared on Oct 10, sparking the biggest hunt for a missing person here in five years.
Her body was crammed into a brown cardboard box measuring 50cm by 40cm by 30cm. Huang Na was 1.2m-tall, so her assailant had forced her into what pathologists described as a 'crouching position'.
The girl's clothes - she was last seen wearing a long-sleeved blue denim jacket and bermudas - were nowhere to be found.
The box had been sealed with masking tape, but the odour that emanated from it left police investigators, who combed the area for about half an hour before finding it, with little doubt as to its contents.
When pathologists opened the box at the mortuary, they found that Huang Na's body was so badly decomposed that it could initially be identified only as belonging to a 'young girl with long hair'.
Because of its state, there was also no way to immediately identify any wounds, or whether there were any signs of sexual assault.
Police said further forensic tests would be conducted to confirm that it was Huang Na, although they added that it was very likely to be the Jin Tai Primary School pupil.
The girl was also visually identified by her mother, Madam Huang Shuying, 27, a China national who works here as a vegetable stall assistant. Her grief-filled wails filled the mortuary as she confirmed the find and she had to be helped out of the area by friends.

Imagine: someone asking you to crouch in a box just because he wants to throw you away. If that girl was to be a ghost, i am sure she would revenage this guy by forcing him to crouch for the rest of his life. And no sooner he could be a Gollum:

my precious!

Although i am not a hard core fan of The lord of the Rings, i wished to watch the very last episode of the trilogy. Gotta ask from my friends for the VCD. Back to the poor girl, i am expressing my sympathy to the people out there who had the hopes of finding her. And one more thing, this Ah hao also stripped her naked when she was put in a box. What the hack! going to heaven naked is so embarrassing. Argghh. Mr took you suck!!

Ah hem... the power of mass media. It shapes the society. To think this man was said to be afraid of killing by his wife a few days back. How ironical.

enough of this tragic news. Sooner or later i would be crying.

About the Biology paper i took today, i was at the highest point of happiness when i saw the short answer questions(SAQs) being so easy. I even did the SAQs first. When i started my 90 MCQs, it was a horror. The setter had a way of setting a paper by rephasing all the options, making you feel really unsure about what to choose. about 1/4 of the 90MCQs i got wrong. I knew this when i discussed the answers with Jane. Jane and I was exchanging Arrghhs and shits when we looked at our lecture notes.