Monday, November 08, 2004

City hall? Raffle's Place?

Mood:::: Exhausted terribly::::

I admit that I am a country bumpkin, always staying at home all the time. Not street wise, easily lost in the concrete jungle. Please spare that laughter of yours after reading this blog so that I won't be sneezing my nose away.

It's my luck that the power supply was cut from 8.30am to 3.00pm. The weather was humid and scorching, I first move was to switch on the electrical fan. Oh shit! Why now? The fan blades just stood stationary before me triggering my anger. An alternative way was to go some where else to get my sweat evaporated. Ah.. The library.

Just paid $21 for National library's premium membership just for the sake of the music scores that used to be free. The one and only place that has music scores is the library at esplanade. How special! For a girl who rarely has the time and $$ to go to the city, would obiviously treat the city like a foreign land.

Want to know when was the last time i went to the esplanade? the week that esplanade was offically open, which was somewhat 2 years ago? The most significant memory i had was i went there with my dad, who used to be always there to protect me when the night falls. The feeling of being protected was a sense of indirect love from my dad.

So here is where you can laugh about me till your hearts contents. The night before, i asked my mom which MRT station the esplanade was located, "raffle's place" was her reply. Today, i took a train from Yishun to raffle's place which was about 35 min.

There was a strange wind of stupidity gushing through my face. My doubt told me it was city hall, and so i went back a station to city hall. at the moment, eyes were darting from side to side for the damn word, " esplanade". i called my elder brother to comfirm.

"Err Kor (i dun use this to call him but this is to protect his privacy), which station is the esplanade one ar?" I do sound cute on the phone though.

"Raffle's place la." the background always sounded muffled,

"raffle's city?" I spurt that for my unconcious mind.

" Raffle's place la" he insisted

"Sure anot?" i think i ask him this question 3 times before going back to that darned place

"tham ma de. of course la! bye" I will always remember him scolding me that for nothing.

Once i got out from the gates of raffle's city once again, my phone rang.
"hey, sorry sorry, i think city hall faster." I became silent for the moment and nearly cried.

dun you think this is stupid? fortunately my EZ-link was on conceshion or i would strangle my bro to death. Dun you think i am too gullible? I trust people too much and this is bad.

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