Thursday, November 25, 2004

What a bad day... Sick and braindead

Mood :::: dead::::

Just came back from work as usual... no wait! today is the worse day of my life. Now as i am typing, i am sneezing profusely. I am so sick and my body can't take it. ( It's too used to been healthy). I can't believe 3 days of work and i am sneezing like this. No sooner i would be down with hyperthermia.

Had recovered from sore throat and now i am having ineffective airway clearance, BLOCKED NOSE and a runny nose. What's the meaning of this? Taking turns? One after another. I bet the next stop is another wave of dry cough.

I will not finish this entry if had to relate all that had happened to me today. It's too much to complain.

Good news...
We always start with the good news, had seen my results and i was pretty happy with it. Why do i need to pursue further? I have did my best. My friend got a distinction and i was jealous for a moment just now. This whole thing is so unfair, i can't choose my group members and group work helps alot in getting good marks. Some of my group members stink. 2 of 7 are slackers, 1 is a very and i mean 1 hour late comer.

This is so unfair. Why do i bother in the first place? In the long run, all i need to do is to be a good staff nurse and thats it. If i carry on somemore, this will never end .

Clean my hamster's cage. Har.. this seem stupid to you but it needs lots of morale to clean that dirty cage. What i mean is 75% of my time at home is at low morale. Lucky i had Bui Bui to boost me.

Signed up for OT( over time) today. Money !!! Yeah!!

Now for the bad news,
I was tortured at work from 4pm to 11pm. 7 hours, great scotts. Standing at a table and doing my work with a "robot". First of all i stupidly drank some leftover juice from the frige and had diarrhoea at home. From then i started having a cold.

The Air conditioning was turned up to the max today. About 10 degrees. I am at the table with stacks of undone handphones stood before me. There was a suction motor just 1.5 meters away from me. It was emiting wind, adding to the cold. For 7 hrs, i was suffering from these threats. My group leader (GL) whose name is Li ping, kept forcing me to do fast by scolding me, "hou xiang yao si bu huo de"(working like a zombie). One worse thing was my runny nose kept having mucus and my paper napkin supply ran out at the first hour.

SO JIA LAT (unlucky), i was like wishing someone would come over to rescue me from this. Yes, someone did! The time flew fast and i am safe at home already.

Heres a brief history of my working place now...
Not 9 months ago, i worked in a building called Tech-Point. It was meant for storing all the goods and be well ready for shipment. Life was simple and there wasn't any stress. All we did was changing the labels and slacking around.

At that point in time, i really thought my life was at its climax. The QA(quality assurer) was friendly, group leader(GL) was my friend. Everything that was out of the norm can be done, such as using the manual forklifter as a kickscooter for travelling in the warehouse and eating great food(KFC, Pizza Hut, Etc...), doing all the things that the QA does, having 1 hour breaks.

Doesn't that felt like heaven? happiness doesn't last forever.

Thinking back all these fond memories, I shall never say i am mistreated at work. Sometimes I really want to get back all these happy times but thing has change, we can't turn everything back.

With the scent still lingering in that building, I could feel my memories still alive and the joy is intense.

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