Sunday, November 28, 2004

A sacrifice that i have to bear

I agree that my blog is having whiny complains consecutively but nevertheless, my work is never satisfying. Apart from having a productive cough( which is a good sign that i am recovering), my fingers tremble like a vibrated handphone.

Work complain 1
I can't believe the people working at the main building of motorola, those that help increase productivity and save company's cost.

These are the people working in the offices, siting down infront of their PC. I wish they could do a better job as in to help us get things done smoothly. Today i saw the trancievers( in another words handphones not sold yet), stored in battery door trays. These trays were flimsy and unstackable. If you won't careful, the trancievers might fell to the ground and you would waste time matching IMEIs(the ID for each trancievers).

I think they did this was because of cost saving. But in the end, they are not at all saving any cost if the trancievers break. Are they running out of ideas?

Work complain 2
This was the reason why my fingers are trembling. There was a box made of tinted plastic was as hard as cardboard. I have to use all my strength to press it down. Some times, my fingers even got crammed. It just won't move.People who increase Productivity should order boxes that is more flexible.

`EnD oF CoMplAiNs~

I glad you skipped the complains. I paid $25 for the chalet and I didn't go because i wanted to make money. A sacrifice for the sake of future happiness. If you guys see this (i know nobody reads my blog), please stab me in the face for being a very selfish person.

My friend SMS me this at 7 pm( while i was working)

Man Yun, tmr we r
going 2 escape theme
park, r u coming?
After reading this message several times i could cry, " I must sacrifice all the fun for my future". Can you sense jealousy? I am totally in regret for a moment, but it seems that i really won't feel good if i am having fun when other people are working. If any of you read this, please punch me in the face when school reopen.

At some point, i felt i must pay people back for what i have promised. There was this personality workshop i had in seconday school. the letters each represent a personality,
D, I, S, C. After learning psychology in poly this year, i had to disagree with this workshop. I fall in the catergory of the S. S people are conscience-driven. We will always remember our promises even for 10 years.

So now i am feeling pain when i didn't keep my promise. For 8 months, i owe someone a treat that i promise. I am going to sms the person by tomorrow or else i would be so haunted. I wish he will accept it. Keke, food.... Who doesn't want it?

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