Monday, November 15, 2004

My wishlist is published!

Great scotts! what a long list of things to do this holiday, too long to be done right away. This morning was weird, my dream hint to me what shift i should apply for motorola. It suggest that i should take the afternoon shift. But i need to attend my friend's chalet on the following thursday. so i think morning is still the best.

Do you think i am dream orientated? Yes, i am. Everything i do is directed by my dreams, my career, my looks (not quite). Many other people's doings are directed by money, such as wanting a rich spouse, a high status. It's about time you think what are you motivated by?

I am one-third way through Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The part where hermione founded S.P.E.W(society for the protection of elfish welfare). I nearly laughed until my heart content. I can't believe a fifteen-year-old has such complex thinking.

when Ronald weasley asked, "how many members are there?" Her reply is so naive as in to have only 3, that includes harry and ron. I remembered later on in the story, hermione went into the extreme to knit clothes for these house elses for freedom. But all was wasted. The house elves felt very rediculus. They liked slavery, they don't want any freedom.

Gosh, I feel that i have been thinking twice before typing my words in the chat conversation. My mom lectured me about speaking well with people. Not to insult people and think about what is the purpose of the conversation. This isn't healthy for me. My freedom of speech is gone, i am so tied down with ethics. This make me feel like i have no personality.

Alright, now approaching the end of stairway to heaven series. Not as fanastic as i had imagined. From episodes 10-16 (which i at now) are so boring. I think at this stage, the writer was losing steam. The episodes of 1 to 9 rocks. Always wanted it to be suprising and less of the sad parts like jin su having her tumor in the eye. I hope 17 to 20 would be able to bring up it's name as to be the best series after winter sonata.

do you know why i said that? no tear was shred from 10 onwards, i was sitting on my crouch moaning for a change of atmosphere. I really hope that Jin su gets to be with chen jun at the last moment, or else i would give this entire series a C5.

I bet i could be a better writer than Park Hye Kyung. The story doesn't hold the viewer well enough. It deteriorates by the episodes. Every viewer like me wants something that will make me want to go on and on. But he fails to be a good screen writer.

Look what i found in the net:

the producers are selling this necklece. Cool!!

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