Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Great! Now I am neglecting my journal

Just went playing around with photoshop after been influenced by my friend, jane. She sure knows about programming too, CSS, html.

Another trauma has relasped again!!! Imgine yourself lying on your cozy bed, tugged under your favourite blanket, ready to enter the first stage of non-rapid eye movement of sleep. Something was disturbing you right in the middle of the night where the lights were out and everything were splashed with black paint.

You learnt that something was tickling you under your blanket. You curiously picked up your tired hands and have a good look at that allergen. "Gasp!" A silent scream escaped your lips. You came out of my bed immediately. It was a shaped like a kite, the length of a normal toothpick. What was worse, it was crawling up towards your body., tickling every portion of your tiny hair

You flicked it twice and it was still stuck to my hand. It started crawling faster and faster. Without thinking, you used the other hand and sweep it away from your side.

That was what happened to me that night on Tuesday. It didn't just happened the first time but twice. I reckon the THING must be some kind of a kroach.

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