Thursday, November 11, 2004

Happy Deepavali

Mood::: having my DMS*: moody:::::::
*DMS:during menstrual syndrome

I am really moody today, so dun you make me mad cause the heat is up. Those cramps are killing me. What's worse is that the panadol i have at home doesn't work! There is still pain. Lucky this one is slightly irritating.

The worst cramp i ever had in my life was during my father's last day of his wake. The pain was touching my pelvic bone, it felt like crushing everything together. I really felt like collasping onto the floor of the void deck and scream, " oh please somebody, help me!"

Today felt like chinese new year as i was going from one house to another. There was this family that i went that i was not really familiar with the blood ties. My grandfather's brother's son's family. The son is now deceased, almost 75+ if he was still alive. I find the relationship really odd. That means this 75 year old man is my mom's cousin. And my mom is only 45+ years old.

Once i think about it, i get a bad headache. Speaking of headaches, research says that headaches/ migranes are the most common pain in humans. I find that cramps are more appropriate. it happens almost every month.

I'm getting out of point again. That family just had a near-to-a-month old baby. She's so innocent and cute. To think i used to look like that when i was young. The feeling is when everyone treats you equally, they do not think about how you are gona feel if I hold you. That's because i know you won't make a fuss out of it. As you grow older, people start to put consequences when they approach you. Like, " will this girl scold me if i talk to her". This type of thoughts are always drilled in their minds.

before i go on i would like to show to something:

How you react when you see a baby

and an

ugly girl. Think about how you judge these people?

Everyone has a self-fulling stereotype mindset in them. Appearances determines their stereotype. If you're ugly, people put you a reserve and unfriendly stereotype on you. If you are pretty, they see you as warm hearted and caring.

Being a newborn baby is the best, people can't see whether you are ugly/ pretty, etc. So they treat you like any other baby in the world unlike a person that has develop in character and appearance.

I admit, i practise this unfair justice of a good person and a bad person although i am not so well to do. Sometimes, i wish i get hit by a car and washed away my brain cells that kept this mindset.

Let carry on my day, then i went to my aunt's condominum that was located at tanah merah(that is so far!) Alright, i will stop whining from now on. They had all the facilities; gym, tennis court, nearby market, swimming pool, etc. A designer's apartment, kids to fill up their loneliness. Being rich ain't good. I can hear you saying that I am crazy in your head.

Let me explain you my reason. What does being rich mean? more responsiblities at taking care of your children and your priced possession. One day, someone who is an innovator that disagrees following the means of obtain money by working hard would come and kidnap your children and ask for a ransom or even finding out a way to get into your treasury.

That status of "being rich" is so hard to maintain. Has anyone played The simciy 4? Rich people in my city have a very hard time maintaining their status. I see the middle and lower class almost occupying everywhere in my city.

There is this big thing call TAX. Richer people have to pay more tax than the poorer people, which means poorer people have more money in percentage than rich people. Do you get wad i mean? I mean rich people must had stress alot at work just to maintain their status. And nobody likes stress.

Alright i have explain my point. My cousins at 4 and 5 are enjoying the life's of the rich. Having an education at $580 per month. i was catching my breath at the moment i heard the numerals said. What is it like to be richie rich? PROBLEMS and more complicated problems. I think i prefer being the middle class.

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