Monday, November 22, 2004

Oh great! Now they are getting poor.

Just had an interview for motorola this afternoon. I went there with high hopes and dreams all planned up for myself. Wanting everything in life, nice clothes, a new mobile, a new life. I made up a dream entirely flawless and smooth-sailing. As you can see, i am a person full of fantasy, never putting reality into consideration. The consequences had such an impact on me when i first heard the news.

Wonder what happened at the interview? you're about to find out. After a great hearty meal at S11, the coffeeshop, i peered at my watch, "11.30am, hmm 30 more mins to the start of the interview". My friend and I decided to have a walk before heading down to the Van to fill up the form.

I thought that walk was the best of the day, there was so much hopes and estasy. The road to the van was the longest ever, from afar i could see a crowd of people gathering around the van that was suppose to be the beginning of a new life of temporary work.

My heart raced when i saw the fresh 'O' level leavers filling up the form even with their uniform. "why aren't they at home replenishing their energy". One of them was from a school that were a stone throw away from my house.

I've got the application form with the help of my friend. I hesitated several times while filling up the form.
  1. the shift of work (Wasn't too difficult though, i've always wanted morning)
  2. the company i have been employed before. (There was a drip of sweat while filling this part, my friend told me to write the truth about the motorola employment, the reason was that it will increase the chance of getting the job)
  3. the education (i wanted them to believe i was going to work till june so that i could be hired, i was a big fat lie though)

That's all, it seems that all these information was very essential for the HR to consider everything. It was time.

It was time to hand up the form to the agent to get it endorse. I presented my IC, to him. He wasn't a stranger to me at all. I could recognized him from afar although he wasn't my agent last year. He had that street punk look, as what we call, "ah beng".

There was so much info that i couldn't take it:

"Now motorola is sub-contracted. There may not be many places for you. I would want to recomend you to seagate for a 12 hours/day job. Erm, sorry but you are still 17, they can only hire people 18 and above."

What is the meaning of only 18 and above? ain't this a practice of ageism? What matters is the actual age of the person's mentality. Ah, nevermind. I can let this go. However, there was one thing i was fully astounded by.

"the transport for motorola is out of contract. Only for seagate." He said firmly

I can't believe it! why must motorola do this. This was when i felt that my flawless plan had been wracked. The only company that have transport to the ground floor of my block. Haizz...Things do change for the worse. I didn't consider economy before making a dream. It's so heart-breaking to accept the facts.

I had enough of this horrible news, it had spoilt my day. I finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire after reading the second time. All the misunderstanding of the story was clear. I felt so sorry for cedric, handsome and kind people don't live long. Just a command of you-know-who's wand, you are dead."Avada kedavra " and the next minute you aren't breathing and dead without knowing anything.

Cedric was only trying to be noble to let Harry have the cup. If only harry was firmer abit and touch it himself and he won't be pulling cedric down with him. No one would had suppected mad -eye moody was a fraud. Crouch's son was a faithful death eater so loyal as to plan out everything so well. At first I thought Harry winning all the while was not part of the plan. What an irony. J.K rowling has live up to her name.

After i week of a good fantasy book, i was starting to have wierd dreams. 1 dream was about doing something out of good will and not by choice. I was helping someone against my benefit to make everyone happy. I hated these dreams, they seem so realistic.

Have to end this entry right here for now. Good luck everyone in NYP for the results on 25nov!!!

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