Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A change that is too much

First of all, the working place is not motorola!! It's at tech point, damn it man. That was the building of memories i wish not to be remembered. Though i had joy and laughter, i must put everything behind and look into the future.

Once i stepped into the building a wiff of familarity rise up into my nose. I thought it wasn't good to collaborate thoughts that aren't going to happen. Why am i always wanting to reignite all my past? I suck.

Things really change alot! A production line was divided into 2, now 1. I first started my new form of life by opening boxes. 3 people was opening boxes for a single line. Then i thought how i manage to fold boxes for 2 lines all by myself. Nobody call me a good box folder for nothing.

I think i shall stop here for now. My feet is aching.

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