Thursday, November 04, 2004

WOoHOoo. The E-X-A-Ms are over!

After a vigorous use of my short termed memory, I finally get to rest it for good. Just had my psychology exam last morning at 8.30 am and it was great. All I did was to memorize the definitions and phew, those i had memorized wasn't gone to waste. Here's one tip for those of ya who have difficulty memorising multiple definitions.

TIP: Remember a typical game show, they usually use cards to ask questions. use one side of the card to be the question and the other to be the answer. Let say you need to get the definition of operant conditioning by next morning. Then you write at one side, "what is operant conditioning?" and the other side, "it is learning the relationships between the behaviour and consequences". do this for many other definitions and shuffle it to test yourself.

To think i studied psychology for only one night. So if you are one of those procastinators that leave everything to the last minute, try this method. If I can do it in one night, so can you. Hey, starting a book on helping people who procastinate dun seem quite far away.

Right after the examination, i didn't went home to have a nap marathon( which I would probably do) but i ran back just ta play with my elder brother War Craft 3: the frozen throne. That was damn fun. I am a stradegy game lamer, so never to ask me to play with you a multiplayer match. Try if i could, the opposite player always get mad while playing with me. I can't help it.I am lucky to have a tolerant brother.

Then, when it was 2 pm, ahh... i didn't sleep, i went down to seng kang to assist my friend in her math. At the same time, indulge myself with a bowl of You mian, home made noodles at hougang mall. I couldn't believe i went all the way just to eat that well made noodles. i bet it was my ulmost desire to eat that bowl of noodles right after the exams.

After having a weird craze on Korean drama, I bought a box of Korean drama series without considering the reviews by people. I search the web for reviews and all of them pinot the negative way. Damn! I bought it because it's got my favourite actress, Choi Ji Woo inside. At some angles she's pretty and at some angles she's not. Cool isn't it?

Stairway to Heaven

The box i had didn't looked like that but who cares. Just started watching the first disc and i shed my first tear. First disc and the first tear. I am really emotionally unstable and if anybody breaks up a relationship with me, the first move is to cry and stab myself. That's why I am still around. I have never went through a relationship before.

Although my first trauma was my deceased father, my body is still intact. Don't say that i have very little bonding with him as the truth is the totally the opposite. After one year of his death which is 8-7-2003, i was still crying at upon his aniversary.

alright, i think i am getting out of point. what matters is that i had a sleep marathon this afternoon. From 1 pm to 5pm. What a great day i had.

I am in the process of creating a wish list for my blog, so please come back for more updates

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