Sunday, November 07, 2004

Stairway to heaven was great.

|mood| :::: madly influenced by love::::

Apparently, i am not suppose to grade my korean series without watching the whole thing. Now i had finished 7 discs out of 20 and still find it worth the money. I guess i have not much experience on korean series.

At this point of the series, i can feel the pain for the handsome, rich, powerful and of course full of tricks guy. When he cries, i can feel his tear drops flowing down my face. My god, i am so badly influenced by him. i hope my choices ain't carried out by my emotional unstablity in future.

Now i know why i can't be a fair judge; i am too self-centred. When i think of people's feelings, i am actually thinking about myself having the feeling and not puting other people's character into consideration.

lets put this into an example, I was thinking about my china classmates who are taking the biology paper in english. During the paper, i thought in my mind, how would they do the questions if the standard of english used in the paper is too difficult for them. After the paper, i reconsidered that and found that i was using myself as an example that i am so useless in chinese and even with 12 years of chinese education i won't be able to answer any of the biological question if they were translated to chinese. I did not consider what their level of english was, which proof to be a self-centred thought.

I know that example is really hard to understand but to put it short, i am selfish.

Here is the verdict for starway to heaven at the moment. Before i know the revolution of the story, i have to judge the body of the story to be fair.

storyline: 8/10, i thought the storyline at the moment was getting to somewhere and the writer knows how to make the playtime longer without repeating flashbacks. Able to use of silence at the right moment, nothing is left out suspicious of the viewer.

entertainment: 9/10, plenty of funny scenes where i can't stop laughing, main actor was good at making me amused at how he win the actress's heart, (although he hadn't)

music: 3/10, totally sucked. the purcussioning sounded like a rock band and in each episode, it was played 3 times. Singing of the song wasn't fantastic

replay value: 7/10, great scenes that are worth watching again

romance power: 9/10, insanely touching for me

36/50 wow, not bad. an A2.

Alright, doing this kept me away from reality. I did alot of socialising today,at my aunt's 2 storey semi-detached. The people there still remembers me after 3 weeks. I am glad i will be able to celebrate Chinese New Year again next year. After the death of my father, i was force to stay on low profile on CNY this year. It felt like being lonely again.

Think of chinese's wonderful delicacies:
shark fin soup (i didn't get to eat this year )

Bah Qua

steam boat

I know there is more but i think i can't eat those because i have seafood allergy. I love prawns noodle soup and the worse thing is i can't eat it. Life sucks.

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