Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A new hair cut!

I just got a new hair cut yesterday, and it was so short. I couldn't believe the hairdresser's level of understanding was so bad. i told her that most of my hair should mere touch my shoulders and her first snip was so short!

There was an middle age woman that was has finished my friend's hair and came over to finish up my hairdresser's work said the phase that nobody and i mean nobody has ever said it before, "Your hair is oily" in mandarin. I just had my hair washed by my hairdresser and she said it was oily. what is the meaning of this?

I even thought my hair was the most well-balanced in sebrum. I reckon she was just jealous of my silky hair.

Just watched shark tale yesterday, not as what i had expected but I like the way those shrimps acted. They sounded like someone who just got castrated. I was so pissed off while watching the movie. Wanna know why? just when i thought buying something different as popcorn , why can't i eat other food than popcorn? She even took away my water supply, not even water is allowed? Crazy bitch!

I hid my food in my bag, pass through the gates. 10 mins into the show, a company "spy" came over to look across our shoulders to see what we were eating in the dark. This is crazy, have anyone teach them some manners about privacy.

Why ain't water bottles allowed in the cinema? What if i am a diabetic, a renal failure patient? Am i forced to buy Coca Cola, sprite, ice lemon tea to the cinema? I can't understand this type of small thing is not allowed.

It's ok for me but the rules of the company stinks. I just finished watching Stairway to heaven episodes 11 and 12 today. At this pointed of the show, i feel that it was still the beginning, and Jin shu has a long way to the top. look at this pic:

The men in black
The asian style
What is their next move?
I feel that this is a well taken pic. don't you think so?

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