Monday, November 01, 2004

God damn this guy: Mr Took/ Ah hao.

This guy is such a sissy... take a look at this article

Body of missing China girl found; Malaysian prime suspect
THE search for missing eight-year-old Huang Na drew to a close on Sunday in the worst possible way: Her naked body was found badly-decomposed, unrecognisable and stuffed into a box less than half her size.
The box was found in dense undergrowth at Telok Blangah Hill Park on Sunday morning, just hours after Penang-born Took Leng How, 22, had been questioned by police.
Mr Took, who fled across the Causeway on Oct 21 after Singapore police had interviewed him twice, surrendered to Malaysian police on Saturday and was brought here. He has been arrested for murder.
The search ended three weeks to the day that Huang Na, a China national, disappeared on Oct 10, sparking the biggest hunt for a missing person here in five years.
Her body was crammed into a brown cardboard box measuring 50cm by 40cm by 30cm. Huang Na was 1.2m-tall, so her assailant had forced her into what pathologists described as a 'crouching position'.
The girl's clothes - she was last seen wearing a long-sleeved blue denim jacket and bermudas - were nowhere to be found.
The box had been sealed with masking tape, but the odour that emanated from it left police investigators, who combed the area for about half an hour before finding it, with little doubt as to its contents.
When pathologists opened the box at the mortuary, they found that Huang Na's body was so badly decomposed that it could initially be identified only as belonging to a 'young girl with long hair'.
Because of its state, there was also no way to immediately identify any wounds, or whether there were any signs of sexual assault.
Police said further forensic tests would be conducted to confirm that it was Huang Na, although they added that it was very likely to be the Jin Tai Primary School pupil.
The girl was also visually identified by her mother, Madam Huang Shuying, 27, a China national who works here as a vegetable stall assistant. Her grief-filled wails filled the mortuary as she confirmed the find and she had to be helped out of the area by friends.

Imagine: someone asking you to crouch in a box just because he wants to throw you away. If that girl was to be a ghost, i am sure she would revenage this guy by forcing him to crouch for the rest of his life. And no sooner he could be a Gollum:

my precious!

Although i am not a hard core fan of The lord of the Rings, i wished to watch the very last episode of the trilogy. Gotta ask from my friends for the VCD. Back to the poor girl, i am expressing my sympathy to the people out there who had the hopes of finding her. And one more thing, this Ah hao also stripped her naked when she was put in a box. What the hack! going to heaven naked is so embarrassing. Argghh. Mr took you suck!!

Ah hem... the power of mass media. It shapes the society. To think this man was said to be afraid of killing by his wife a few days back. How ironical.

enough of this tragic news. Sooner or later i would be crying.

About the Biology paper i took today, i was at the highest point of happiness when i saw the short answer questions(SAQs) being so easy. I even did the SAQs first. When i started my 90 MCQs, it was a horror. The setter had a way of setting a paper by rephasing all the options, making you feel really unsure about what to choose. about 1/4 of the 90MCQs i got wrong. I knew this when i discussed the answers with Jane. Jane and I was exchanging Arrghhs and shits when we looked at our lecture notes.

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